Have a quick look here to get a feeling: https://sites.google.com/site/voipstorm2/
Voipstorm is fast telemarketing / voicemessenger delivering up to 20,000 phone-messages per hour from your desktop.
VoipStorm is a fairly large and complex application, which consists of 3 major user interface components:
VoipStorm Manager: Responsible for managing callcenters and campains VoipStorm CallCenter: Responsible for running the campain using 500 multithreaded softphone implementations VoipStorm SoftPhone: The actual VOIP SoftPhone calling the recipient and delivering the voicemessage
VoipStorm is based on SIP/SDP & RTSP communication and requires a subscription to a VOIP Gateway Provider like Verizon to convert to real phone calls to non VOIP based / regular telephones like landlines and cellular phones.
You'll find the necessary libraries in the "libs" directory
This software was developed with: JDK 8u91 with NetBeans 8.1 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/jdk-netbeans-jsp-142931.html
Drop me an email if you have any questions: ronuitzaandam@gmail.com