A Full-Stack web application built on top of PHP(OOP), MySQL(PDO), jQuery and Bootstrap css. It consists of Home page, Admin Panel and Employee panel for management. It runs on MVC structure.
- Clone this repository then make a copy of database_sample.php to database.php located on src/database_sample.php using command below then fill in your database credentials.
cp src/database_sample.php src/database.php
Fill your db connection credentials
'servername' => DB username,
'database' => Database name,
'username' => DB username,
'password' => DB password,
! For SMTP for registering account and resetting password
cp src/smtp_sample.php src/smtp.php
Fill your SMTP credentials
'host' => 'smtp.gma...',
'from' => 'smtpmail',
'username' => 'smtpmail',
'password' => 'smtp_password',
- Install necessary dependencies and dump the classess for auto load.
composer install && composer dump-autoload
- Let's jumpstart db by migration and seed all together to create our tables and add dummy data.
! Start with creating blueprints of our db - it will create necessary tables and structure for this leave manager just keep inputing y on your terminal or just click enter anytime asked.
php migration.php
! Its time to seed or add dummy data to use straight away we start our application. keep clicking enter whenever asked.
php seed.php
- Now Start the server at your favorite port using built in php cli - On your browser at the url
php -S localhost:8088
- We have landing page, admin panel and Employee panel
- To login as admin use email and password below
admin@gmail.com - password123
- To login as employee use email and password below
employee@gmail.com - password123
- Structured Home page for informative information including frequently asked question, about, contact, register, login and reset password.
- Admin can manage the whole organization resources by
- Adding Users, Departments, Leave Types etc
- Updates Applied leaves(Approves,Dissaproves)
- Managing User accounts
- Employee on the other side does the following
- Applies the leave
- Checks the status of the application
- Checks the department he/she belongs to, all leavetypes and their description
- Managing their accounts