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A Keycloak authorization plugin for Kibana

Building the plugin


  • Node.js - v10.15.2
  • Yarn - min. v1.10.1


$ yarn install
$ yarn build

Artifacts will be produced in the kibana-extra/keycloak-kibana/build directory.

Installing the plugin

Before you install the plugin, you must have Kibana installed in the $KIBANA_HOME directory. You can download it here. Also make sure that you have configured plugin in the kibana.yml file before installation (there are several mandatory parameters).

# Remove the previously installed plugin (optional)
$ $KIBANA_HOME/bin/ remove keycloak-kibana
# Install a new version of plugin
$ $KIBANA_HOME/bin/ install file:./kibana-extra/keycloak-kibana/build/

Versioning and compatibility

The following versioning schema is used:

Kibana version Plugin version
5.4.3 1.0.0_5.4.3
5.6.9 1.0.0_5.6.9
6.2.4 1.0.0_6.2.4
6.6.1 2.0.0_6.6.1
6.6.2 2.0.0_6.6.2
7.0.0 3.0.0_7.0.0
7.0.1 3.0.0_7.0.1
7.1.1 3.0.0_7.1.1

The second version in the plugin (after '_') must correspond to your Kibana version or the plugin will fail. If the required version is not available to download, you must build it yourself. Please read further for additional details on this topic.


Kibana has quite rigid plugin compatibility model - each plugin must include the exact version of Kibana it is compatible with. This requirement enforces releasing a new version of the plugin each time a new version of Kibana is released (even when only "patch" changes were released).

Since it's hard to keep up with Kibana release train, this repository does not attempt to do it. However, you can still try to build the plugin which works with your Kibana version (the plugin was tested with the major Kibana releases and hardly anything has changed):

  • Checkout the branch which corresponds to your kibana version (6.x, 7.x etc).
  • Just change the kibana.version property in the package.json file to your desired Kibana version.
  • Build and install the plugin


The plugin is configurable via config/kibana.yml file residing in the Kibana home directory. The following properties are available to be set.

Parameter Description Default
keycloak.serverUrl The base URL of the Keycloak server. All other Keycloak pages and REST service endpoints are derived from this. It is usually of the form https://host:port/auth. This is REQUIRED.
keycloak.realm Name of the realm. This is REQUIRED.
keycloak.clientId The client-id of the application. Each application has a client-id that is used to identify the application. This is REQUIRED.
keycloak.clientSecret The client secret of the application. Each application that uses OAuth's Authorization Code flow has one assigned. This is REQUIRED.
keycloak.realmPublicKey PEM format of the realm public key. You can obtain this from the administration console. This is OPTIONAL. undefined
keycloak.minTimeBetweenJwksRequests Amount of time, in seconds, specifying minimum interval between two requests to Keycloak to retrieve new public keys. 10
keycloak.principalNameAttribute OpenID Connect ID Token attribute which will be used as the user principal name. It will fallback to sub ID token attribute in case the principalAttribute is not present. Possible values are sub, preferred_username, email, name. name Determines the name of the cookie used to store session information. kc_session
keycloak.session.cookieOptions.password A password used to encrypt session cookies. It must be at least 32 characters long. It is also recommended to rotate your ookie session password on a regular basis. This is REQUIRED.
keycloak.session.cookieOptions.isSecure Determines whether or not to transfer session cookies using TLS/SSL. false
keycloak.session.cookieOptions.isHttpOnly Determines whether or not to set HttpOnly option in cookie. Cookies, when used with the HttpOnly cookie flag, are not accessible through JavaScript, and are immune to XSS. false
keycloak.requiredRoles A list of Keycloak roles a user has to be assigned to in order to access Kibana. By default, any authenticated user can use Kibana. When this property is set only users with certain roles assigned can access Kibana. []
keycloak.propagateBearerToken A boolean value determining whether Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN] header should be propagated to Elasticsearch. true
keycloak.acl.enabled A toggle for dashboard ownership feature. When enabled, each created dashboard has its owner and cannot be viewed, edited or managed by others unless shared. false
keycloak.acl.ownerAttribute OpenID Connect ID Token attribute which will be used as the user identifier for ACLs. Possible values are sub, preferred_username, email. sub
keycloak.tagging.enabled A toggle for dashboard tagging feature. When enabled users are able to manage their favourite and home dashboards. false

Sample configuration section can be found in the env/kibana/kibana.yml file.


When using the full version of Kibana (X-Pack), it is required to disable the security plugin:

# disable x-pack security (required) false


Role Description
discover Can discover logs.
view-visualizations Can view visualisations.
manage-visualizations Can create and edit visualisations.
view-dashboards Can view dashboards.
manage-dashboards Can create and edit dashboards.
view-searches Can view searches.
manage-searches Can create and edit searches.
use-canvas Can use canvas.
use-maps Can use maps.
use-ml Can use machine learning.
use-infra Can use infrastructure.
use-infra-logs Can use infrastructure logs.
use-apm Can use application performance monitoring.
use-uptime Can use uptime.
use-siem Can use security analytics.
use-dev-tools Can use dev tools.
use-monitoring Can use monitoring.
manage-kibana Can manage kibana.

Running the example

  • Run a preconfigured Keycloak instance using docker compose

    $ docker-compose up -d
  • Install all dependency along with Kibana using yarn and start Kibana with plugins

    $ yarn install
    $ yarn start
  • Visit localhost:5601 and log in as admin:admin to try it out.

Extracting translations keys

The keycloak-kibana plugin support i18n feature. According to the documentation, kibana has tool for extracting all translation keys from source code. Example:

$ mkdir translations
$ cd kibana
$ node scripts/i18n_extract.js --path ../kibana-extra/keycloak-kibana --output-dir ../translations --include-config ../kibana-extra/keycloak-kibana/.i18nrc.json


A Keycloak authorization plugin for Kibana







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