ROR Release v1.44
- Total organizations: 109,031
- Records added: 104
- Records updated: 366
Access data in this release via the ROR API (documentation), ROR search (documentation), and ROR data dump (documentation).
All changes were processed by ROR’s curation advisory board and ROR’s core team in accordance with ROR’s curation policies and workflows. For more information about the changes in this release, see the issues in this milestone.
Records added
ROR ID | Organization name |
https://ror.org/00xfkzq83 | Israel Institute |
https://ror.org/00aqh0734 | Tullow Oil (United Kingdom) |
https://ror.org/00j9bjx58 | Clinical Research Network Thames Valley and South Midlands |
https://ror.org/01j628m19 | OICC Press (United Kingdom) |
https://ror.org/03vc2bp93 | UNAD Florida |
https://ror.org/00cx9er29 | Acquisition and Project Management |
https://ror.org/00938we49 | Instituto de Estudios Democráticos |
https://ror.org/04pn69091 | The Tomorrow Companies Inc. (United States) |
https://ror.org/00w0hef10 | Laboratoire Images, signaux et systèmes intelligents |
https://ror.org/019wm1d19 | Ersilia Open Source Initiative |
https://ror.org/013xphc70 | Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology |
https://ror.org/00nc7q809 | Patrick Berthoud Charitable Trust |
https://ror.org/051kqr635 | Headland Archaeology (UK) Limited (United Kingdom) |
https://ror.org/05fehs989 | Bristol University Press |
https://ror.org/043kfae87 | INFN Gruppo Collegato di Salerno |
https://ror.org/05bdn0q71 | Laboratoire d'Algorithmique, Complexité et Logique |
https://ror.org/02fynbf61 | Tennessee Academy of Science |
https://ror.org/01nzkd566 | Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular |
https://ror.org/02dmj8v04 | Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology |
https://ror.org/010s7yy66 | UK Brain Tumour Society |
https://ror.org/04qvgb234 | Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute |
https://ror.org/019phe233 | The Bryden Centre |
https://ror.org/030yxvx82 | International Society of Hypertension |
https://ror.org/00q283y58 | Fundação Catarinense de Educação Especial |
https://ror.org/005jmje44 | Office of Energy Analysis |
https://ror.org/042yv0n82 | Excitabilité Nerveuse et Thérapeutique |
https://ror.org/01wz1s943 | Bhailal Amin General Hospital |
https://ror.org/000q0mx12 | Jawzjan University |
https://ror.org/035cj2961 | National Ignition Facility |
https://ror.org/00krsne85 | Mindanao State University - Maguindanao |
https://ror.org/01ag91m47 | Centre de recherche droit Dauphine |
https://ror.org/05dwv1d98 | Institut des Mondes Anglophone, Germanique et Roman |
https://ror.org/04ky51q37 | 1907 Foundation |
https://ror.org/03vq33s23 | Kurdistan Institute for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research |
https://ror.org/05n3s3g85 | Civilian Nuclear Programs |
https://ror.org/011gnc761 | Epidemiology in dermatology and evaluation of therapeutics |
https://ror.org/0545we460 | South-East Scotland School of Anaesthesia |
https://ror.org/030sykb84 | People's Hospital of Wangcheng District Changsha |
https://ror.org/03e6bgb38 | Marchés, Institutions, Libertés |
https://ror.org/020fnnz65 | Royal College of Chiropractors |
https://ror.org/04jx7z940 | Institut za voćarstvo, Čačak |
https://ror.org/00h88tf73 | IGRAC |
https://ror.org/02ayba360 | Safety, Security, and Quality Assurance |
https://ror.org/04xk4ep23 | Montana Agricultural Experiment Station |
https://ror.org/00ek90y03 | Universitas Karya Husada Semarang |
https://ror.org/051pg0937 | Operador Nacional de Electricidad - CENACE |
https://ror.org/012gedv51 | Santander Universities |
https://ror.org/017z1j344 | Kentucky Academy of Science |
https://ror.org/044xyx374 | Infrastructure Security & Energy Restoration |
https://ror.org/059t7s261 | Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía |
https://ror.org/03fjajp23 | Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil de Colombia |
https://ror.org/04v85vk04 | Lettres, idées, savoirs |
https://ror.org/00syfc790 | Bioingénierie, Tissus et Neuroplasticité |
https://ror.org/05b2r4b98 | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences |
https://ror.org/03rrd1912 | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals |
https://ror.org/01hjh7h09 | Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Cuautitlán Izcalli |
https://ror.org/03ssp8273 | Résistances Thérapeutiques du Cancer de la Prostate |
https://ror.org/03bx63127 | Office of Energy Statistics |
https://ror.org/02s89bg52 | Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología |
https://ror.org/04rp4zh16 | Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations |
https://ror.org/05f38c676 | Centre de Recherche en Histoire Européenne Comparée, de l'Antiquité à nos jours |
https://ror.org/038nwvj35 | Office of Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs |
https://ror.org/04q4ad645 | Sheki Regional Scientific Center |
https://ror.org/04dj4wy53 | Lifetime Omics (United States) |
https://ror.org/04fynt521 | Hospital la Pedrera |
https://ror.org/03xwa9562 | University of Pennsylvania Press |
https://ror.org/030jvtg87 | Mike and Josie Harper Cancer Research Institute |
https://ror.org/0363axb98 | Universidad Tecnológica de La Paz |
https://ror.org/039ffyr38 | Universidad Nacional Francisco Luis Espinoza Pineda |
https://ror.org/0545xqn50 | Louisiana Academy of Sciences |
https://ror.org/01skzfp69 | City and Guilds College Association |
https://ror.org/051cchq23 | Instituto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván |
https://ror.org/02ywy0q33 | Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
https://ror.org/01gxzrh19 | Governo de Santa Catarina |
https://ror.org/02b8e6n56 | Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health |
https://ror.org/01mccny28 | Early detection of Colon Cancer using Molecular Markers and Microbiota |
https://ror.org/023b5a626 | Órgano Judicial de la República de Panamá |
https://ror.org/05az4r222 | Centro Universitário Integrado |
https://ror.org/04xf1tw93 | Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria |
https://ror.org/03g42sh82 | Ignite Life Science Foundation |
https://ror.org/036mbz113 | Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo |
https://ror.org/028ydjm20 | Argosy University |
https://ror.org/03f3pbx54 | Centre d'étude des discours, images, textes, écrits et communications |
https://ror.org/02shtak05 | Stiftung für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung |
https://ror.org/00ppxvb66 | Office of Energy Policy |
https://ror.org/05k20z216 | International Panel on the Information Environment |
https://ror.org/0133f6116 | Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz |
https://ror.org/01e7m5196 | Disaster Prevention & Water Environment Research Center |
https://ror.org/04da1g573 | Office of Fissile Materials Disposition |
https://ror.org/00g8ggv10 | Cégep Gérald-Godin |
https://ror.org/0125wpx05 | UNSW Canberra |
https://ror.org/05923zj50 | Asociación Colombiana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax |
https://ror.org/0428xjm46 | British Society for Neuroendocrinology |
https://ror.org/01qew1n19 | IRT Saint Exupéry |
https://ror.org/041vb4f30 | UCD Centre for Veterinary Epidemiology and Risk Analysis |
https://ror.org/03cggs816 | Higher Education Careers Services Unit |
https://ror.org/04kd9a392 | Weir Advanced Research Centre |
https://ror.org/03ha87a98 | Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les transformations des pratiques éducatives et des pratiques sociales |
https://ror.org/00p2m7w82 | Academy of Neonatal Nursing |
https://ror.org/01pjw7y38 | Laboratoire de Droit Privé |
https://ror.org/045sr2y25 | Tonix Pharmaceuticals (United States) |
https://ror.org/01emdsc76 | Prostate Action |
https://ror.org/0367py538 | White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities |
https://ror.org/00s4mzv66 | Johns Hopkins University Press |
Records updated
ROR ID | Organization name |
https://ror.org/03ery9d53 | Office of Fossil Energy |
https://ror.org/043pfpy19 | Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels |
https://ror.org/00se2k293 | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
https://ror.org/01ea4na26 | Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Thermique, Environnement et Systèmes |
https://ror.org/01wcz2f33 | Saint Francis University |
https://ror.org/036jqmy94 | University of Iowa |
https://ror.org/05q3vnk25 | Institut de Recherche pour le Développement |
https://ror.org/02ty42a04 | École Nationale d'Administration de Madagascar |
https://ror.org/013q33h79 | Institut d'Électronique et des Technologies du numéRique |
https://ror.org/01kbfgm16 | UC San Diego Health System |
https://ror.org/01pfter31 | Laboratoire d'Energétique et de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée |
https://ror.org/003qhrc72 | Unité de Nutrition Humaine |
https://ror.org/01khhjy85 | ATI Inc. (United States) |
https://ror.org/0114b2m14 | Office of Biological and Environmental Research |
https://ror.org/0187kwz08 | National Institute for Health Research |
https://ror.org/003jnac13 | Laboratoire de Génie Chimique |
https://ror.org/047egvh76 | Équipe de Recherche sur l’Utilisation des Données Individuelles en Lien avec la Théorie Économique |
https://ror.org/018et4y07 | American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy |
https://ror.org/00qhdy563 | Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier |
https://ror.org/00fna1f74 | Toray (Thailand) |
https://ror.org/0443n9e75 | Toulouse 1 Capitole University |
https://ror.org/01k33dw46 | Brain Tumour Charity |
https://ror.org/03txr3336 | Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement |
https://ror.org/051fd9666 | Case Western Reserve University |
https://ror.org/043htjv09 | CY Cergy Paris University |
https://ror.org/041yg4h55 | École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille |
https://ror.org/027ka1x80 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
https://ror.org/03f0apy98 | Laboratory of Subatomic Physics and Cosmology |
https://ror.org/04hrs9369 | Délégation Languedoc Roussillon |
https://ror.org/0001zgs18 | Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz |
https://ror.org/01yj5ad85 | Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz |
https://ror.org/05c95bg36 | Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas |
https://ror.org/02nqy7n35 | Laboratoire Eau, Environnement et Systèmes Urbains |
https://ror.org/03fd77x13 | Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules |
https://ror.org/05f16n416 | Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Cardiology |
https://ror.org/04kgf6p94 | Physics of Ionic and Molecular Interactions |
https://ror.org/03x30hb31 | Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique |
https://ror.org/01nyadv46 | New York State Museum |
https://ror.org/05dy6wv04 | Inflammation, Microbiome and Immunosurveillance |
https://ror.org/03jzzxg14 | University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust |
https://ror.org/00s1ckt27 | Wismar University of Applied Sciences |
https://ror.org/057916623 | Mécanismes Centraux et Périphériques de la Neurodégénérescence |
https://ror.org/03rsgdh53 | ICAR - Central Island Agricultural Research Institute |
https://ror.org/0526p1y61 | Oak Ridge Associated Universities |
https://ror.org/029m96t80 | Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire |
https://ror.org/01y8j9r24 | Délégation Ile-de-France Sud |
https://ror.org/03m2x1q45 | University of Arizona |
https://ror.org/05ggc9x40 | Université Paris-Est Créteil |
https://ror.org/04z8jg394 | Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
https://ror.org/00b30xv10 | University of Pennsylvania |
https://ror.org/008kn4z11 | Délégation Ile-de-France Villejuif |
https://ror.org/03kr50w79 | Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes |
https://ror.org/04x1a4s97 | Université Bretagne Loire |
https://ror.org/040zw0170 | Chandler–Gilbert Community College |
https://ror.org/04yc2e502 | Ingénierie Moléculaire et Physiopathologie Articulaire |
https://ror.org/00aqh6z65 | École Nationale d'Administration |
https://ror.org/04kv7c795 | Délégation Régionale Est |
https://ror.org/04rrzfd14 | Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle |
https://ror.org/00rydyx93 | Institut des Sciences Biologiques |
https://ror.org/00myn0z94 | Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires |
https://ror.org/00wbge811 | Universidade Franciscana |
https://ror.org/05mg91w61 | Office of Basic Energy Sciences |
https://ror.org/031ah7413 | Astrophysique Relativiste, Théories, Expériences, Métrologie, Instrumentation, Signaux |
https://ror.org/047179s14 | Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia |
https://ror.org/04t0gwh46 | Institute Curie |
https://ror.org/036wt8y39 | Hudson Valley Community College |
https://ror.org/01b2epx09 | Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur pour l'Environnement |
https://ror.org/0431hh004 | Institut d'Électronique et des Systèmes |
https://ror.org/03w9e3r89 | Rockland Community College |
https://ror.org/00mkhxb43 | University of Notre Dame |
https://ror.org/052bz7812 | Université Paris Dauphine-PSL |
https://ror.org/025320p83 | SUNY Sullivan |
https://ror.org/04bgbbh33 | Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels |
https://ror.org/01yr0r787 | Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux |
https://ror.org/03yppfm65 | Stendhal University |
https://ror.org/0495fxg12 | Institut Pasteur |
https://ror.org/01dtyv127 | Region Zealand |
https://ror.org/0199hds37 | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord |
https://ror.org/00wrnm709 | Institute of Mechanics and Engineering |
https://ror.org/017x69387 | Laboratoire d'Urbanisme |
https://ror.org/03q1rgc19 | Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy |
https://ror.org/04ex24z53 | Collège de France |
https://ror.org/044ggyg50 | Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés |
https://ror.org/02xfw2e90 | United States Department of Transportation |
https://ror.org/00wnzj089 | National School of Administration |
https://ror.org/05m7pjf47 | University College Dublin |
https://ror.org/036rp1748 | Universidade de São Paulo |
https://ror.org/00pg6eq24 | University of Strasbourg |
https://ror.org/02z1qvq09 | Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence |
https://ror.org/035m6g344 | Office of High Energy Physics |
https://ror.org/050jcm728 | Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions |
https://ror.org/004fmxv66 | Franche-Comté Électronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique - Sciences et Technologies |
https://ror.org/05kpkpg04 | Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement |
https://ror.org/04rfts775 | École Nationale d'Ingénieurs des Techniques des Industries Agro-Alimentaires |
https://ror.org/0054t4769 | Office of the General Counsel |
https://ror.org/00wk3s644 | Kedge Business School |
https://ror.org/041dsyz88 | Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Croissance Cellulaire, la Réparation et la Régénération Tissulaires |
https://ror.org/045p37n96 | National University Bangladesh |
https://ror.org/03ekpdz59 | Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft |
https://ror.org/05dq2gs74 | Vanderbilt University Medical Center |
https://ror.org/045x93337 | Yeshiva University |
https://ror.org/03zq0xc17 | Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Équilibre |
https://ror.org/02wa0fq92 | Department of Employment and Workplace Relations |
https://ror.org/0458dap48 | Atlantic Technological University |
https://ror.org/00g7a7c91 | SUNY Orange |
https://ror.org/05kaxtp50 | Universidad Católica de Manizales |
https://ror.org/057axh226 | Laboratoire de Recherche Hydrodynamique, Energétique et Environnement Atmosphérique |
https://ror.org/00mmn6b08 | Office of Science |
https://ror.org/00q3xz126 | Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center |
https://ror.org/00pn44t17 | Universidad Mayor |
https://ror.org/016gy9w96 | Ministry of Education |
https://ror.org/01nrxwf90 | University of Edinburgh |
https://ror.org/03yaydt41 | Biomécanique et Bioingénierie |
https://ror.org/02eptjh02 | Laboratoire d’études spatiales et d’instrumentation en astrophysique |
https://ror.org/04dyqmv49 | Ospedale Misericordia - Grosseto |
https://ror.org/02rdkx920 | United States Army Combat Capabilities Development Command |
https://ror.org/0028p8r67 | Laboratoire Hubert Curien |
https://ror.org/02v6kpv12 | Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier |
https://ror.org/02vjkv261 | Inserm |
https://ror.org/058t6p923 | Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet |
https://ror.org/042tfbd02 | Institut Polytechnique de Paris |
https://ror.org/0524sp257 | University of Bristol |
https://ror.org/03jhvx342 | RMN Biomédicale et Neurosciences |
https://ror.org/01h0ffh48 | École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes |
https://ror.org/00awbw743 | Swedish Veterinary Agency |
https://ror.org/00za53h95 | Johns Hopkins University |
https://ror.org/023f9y602 | Laboratory of Physics of Interfaces and Thin Films |
https://ror.org/02wy3s959 | Laboratoire d'Énergétique Moléculaire et Macroscopique, Combustion |
https://ror.org/04nabhy78 | Laboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système |
https://ror.org/043we9s22 | Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert |
https://ror.org/01rnfhz46 | Matériaux Ingénierie et Science |
https://ror.org/03v0pmy70 | United States Department of the Interior |
https://ror.org/00af12v02 | Universidad Católica Redemptoris Mater |
https://ror.org/02wy4ac67 | Délégation Alsace |
https://ror.org/030p0rb34 | Andrology Gerontechnology Inflammation Modelisation |
https://ror.org/00637yt37 | Niagara County Community College |
https://ror.org/02dcv6909 | Astrophysics Science Division |
https://ror.org/018n13n96 | Histoire et critique des arts |
https://ror.org/033jnv181 | United States Department of Health and Human Services |
https://ror.org/02fke9256 | Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil |
https://ror.org/003vg9w96 | National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment |
https://ror.org/004hyqr12 | Suffolk County Community College |
https://ror.org/036zswm25 | Laboratoire des Technologies de la Microélectronique |
https://ror.org/00j35ca78 | Nutrition et Alimentation des Populations aux Suds |
https://ror.org/03smk3872 | Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image pour la Santé |
https://ror.org/00z0vcr53 | Columbia-Greene Community College |
https://ror.org/01a8ajp46 | University of Clermont Auvergne |
https://ror.org/05vjdsn22 | Institut Pprime |
https://ror.org/01jem9c82 | Junta de Andalucía |
https://ror.org/001z21q04 | Sorbonne Paris Cité |
https://ror.org/03rnk6m14 | Institut Agro Montpellier |
https://ror.org/03r81z761 | Bradens' Hope For Childhood Cancer |
https://ror.org/02cnrsw88 | Slagelse Hospital |
https://ror.org/05f82e368 | Université Paris Cité |
https://ror.org/00289aa83 | Australian Biological Resources Study |
https://ror.org/00h52n341 | Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry |
https://ror.org/02atag894 | Office of Nuclear Physics |
https://ror.org/02feahw73 | French National Centre for Scientific Research |
https://ror.org/032w6q449 | Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes |
https://ror.org/01h6dtw92 | TAV College |
https://ror.org/02dg3n954 | Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives |
https://ror.org/02j5s7g39 | Australian Defence Force Academy |
https://ror.org/00cy1zs35 | Central University of Kerala |
https://ror.org/02bcmdm86 | Franciscan University |
https://ror.org/01fw8ag12 | SUNY Adirondack |
https://ror.org/00rt27171 | Laboratory of Pathogen-Host Interactions |
https://ror.org/03vcm6439 | Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems |
https://ror.org/01zc4nk92 | Diversité, adaptation, développement des plantes |
https://ror.org/05tensj89 | Swiss Academy of Sciences |
https://ror.org/04shwth06 | University Centre of Maghnia |
https://ror.org/03wyf0g15 | Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare |
https://ror.org/046cjf283 | Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques |
https://ror.org/02banhz78 | Diversité, adaptation, développement des plantes |
https://ror.org/01pvzn627 | Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure |
https://ror.org/02cte4b68 | Institut de Chimie |
https://ror.org/054v0s666 | Laboratoire de Géographie Physique |
https://ror.org/0251f2x81 | White Rose University Consortium |
https://ror.org/036yvb369 | Toulouse School of Management Research |
https://ror.org/027atwb90 | Gènes, synapses et cognition |
https://ror.org/01bn5c048 | Laboratory of Quantum and Molecular Photonics |
https://ror.org/05q94pf14 | Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes |
https://ror.org/04b0z7q78 | Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales |
https://ror.org/03e51yr27 | Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia |
https://ror.org/00ancw882 | Swedish National Data Service |
https://ror.org/03gvm2667 | Wave Propagation Mathematical Study and Simulation |
https://ror.org/00avmbz91 | Georgia Tech-CNRS Laboratory |
https://ror.org/01prxdf57 | Georges Friedel Laboratory |
https://ror.org/001tmjg57 | University of Kansas |
https://ror.org/042ds2135 | Groupe de Recherches sur l'Energétique des Milieux Ionisés |
https://ror.org/00f7srh09 | XLIM |
https://ror.org/03ry8wj79 | Instituto de Biotecnología de León |
https://ror.org/0041qmd21 | SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
https://ror.org/051awsb83 | Tompkins Cortland Community College |
https://ror.org/02xznz413 | Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
https://ror.org/0130frc33 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
https://ror.org/02wzg8t73 | Centre d’Etudes Politiques Et sociaLes |
https://ror.org/03k9wer31 | PhysicoChimie des Processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphère |
https://ror.org/01q5ge486 | Centre des Matériaux |
https://ror.org/016crzw98 | Centre Régional d’Innovation et de Transferts Technologiques des Industries du Bois |
https://ror.org/0294j1w75 | Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (United States) |
https://ror.org/001p2e958 | Argosy University |
https://ror.org/03yn94905 | Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies de l’information |
https://ror.org/01qkmtm61 | Moores Cancer Center |
https://ror.org/04qxnmv42 | Palacký University Olomouc |
https://ror.org/03jsyxh43 | Shenyang Sinochem Agrochemicals R&D Co., Ltd. (China) |
https://ror.org/017a2yz34 | State University of New York at Delhi |
https://ror.org/01kcrnc96 | Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble |
https://ror.org/03saykv37 | Laboratoire Vision Action Cognition |
https://ror.org/00xd1ek73 | Solids Mechanic Laboratory |
https://ror.org/01kvxx237 | Fédération de Recherche FCLAB |
https://ror.org/0268ecp52 | University of Paris-Est |
https://ror.org/03kfjwy31 | Automation and Process Engineering Laboratory |
https://ror.org/02dqehb95 | Purdue University West Lafayette |
https://ror.org/02wrme198 | Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique |
https://ror.org/01nyrrx14 | Laboratory of Microstructure Studies and Mechanics of Materials |
https://ror.org/02w5mvk98 | Laboratory on Plasma and Conversion of Energy |
https://ror.org/022k4wk35 | Beijing Normal University |
https://ror.org/00qm1ye08 | Centre for Material Forming |
https://ror.org/00s19x989 | CNRS Ingénierie |
https://ror.org/05dxps055 | California Institute of Technology |
https://ror.org/01jf74q70 | Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
https://ror.org/02mqqhj42 | University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics |
https://ror.org/0032jvj22 | Regenerative NanoMedicine |
https://ror.org/00n3w3b69 | University of Strathclyde |
https://ror.org/00ah32k04 | Laboratoire d'Électronique, Antennes et Télécommunications |
https://ror.org/04px4e658 | Délégation Alpes |
https://ror.org/000e0be47 | Northwestern University |
https://ror.org/01vvnmw35 | Research Institute For Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam |
https://ror.org/03q7r5x87 | Laboratoire de Biologie, Bioingéniérie et Bioimagerie ostéoarticulaire |
https://ror.org/035xkbk20 | Aix-Marseille University |
https://ror.org/04jsk0b74 | Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon |
https://ror.org/015m7wh34 | University of Rennes |
https://ror.org/006m4q736 | Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences |
https://ror.org/03xjwb503 | University of Paris-Saclay |
https://ror.org/02n3j8t12 | Office of Fusion Energy Sciences |
https://ror.org/026j45x50 | Laboratoire Politiques Publiques, Action Politique, Territoires |
https://ror.org/03r8z3t63 | UNSW Sydney |
https://ror.org/01bj3aw27 | United States Department of Energy |
https://ror.org/0171mag52 | Goddard Space Flight Center |
https://ror.org/03taa9n66 | Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique |
https://ror.org/00pvy2x95 | Wesley Research Institute |
https://ror.org/02qsmb048 | University of Belgrade |
https://ror.org/03bcdsr62 | Sols, Solides, Structures, Risques |
https://ror.org/05dnzrj50 | Materials Sciences and Engineering Division |
https://ror.org/01k1ngp50 | Complexe de Recherche Interprofessionnel en Aérothermochimie |
https://ror.org/019gta678 | InnovaWood |
https://ror.org/0059vr703 | Laboratory for Integrated Micro-Mechatronic Systems |
https://ror.org/054ajk512 | Naval Air Systems Command |
https://ror.org/02k8f5n40 | Laboratoire Cognitions Humaine et Artificielle |
https://ror.org/00p73bw06 | Contrôle transcriptionnel et épigénétique de l’hématopoïèse maligne |
https://ror.org/00hswnk62 | Queen's University Belfast |
https://ror.org/029xh1r47 | Toray Industries, Inc. (Japan) |
https://ror.org/04dkv6329 | Prostate Cancer UK |
https://ror.org/04z8k9a98 | University of Coimbra |
https://ror.org/04h1h0y33 | Centre National d'Études Spatiales |
https://ror.org/02q4res37 | Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology |
https://ror.org/021fdyt09 | Laboratoire de Thermique et Energie de Nantes |
https://ror.org/05ngxmx20 | Process Engineering for Environment and Food |
https://ror.org/003yb7p17 | Alcoa (United States) |
https://ror.org/00tncsy16 | Universidad EAN |
https://ror.org/05thdk431 | Laboratoire Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire |
https://ror.org/01y64my43 | University at Buffalo, State University of New York |
https://ror.org/001ycj259 | China Astronaut Research and Training Center |
https://ror.org/05t2rs949 | Fundação Instituto de Educação de Barueri |
https://ror.org/01x03t965 | Fundación Universitaria Compensar |
https://ror.org/05m235j20 | Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials |
https://ror.org/03mkjjy25 | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines |
https://ror.org/05gmzxc62 | Arconic (United States) |
https://ror.org/015pzp858 | Government of Ontario |
https://ror.org/041nk4h53 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
https://ror.org/04dxeze48 | Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique |
https://ror.org/0012c7r22 | Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research |
https://ror.org/01c8rcg82 | Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory |
https://ror.org/00p6sn362 | Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés |
https://ror.org/05v1wzc05 | Bell Canada Enterprises (Canada) |
https://ror.org/05kdrkh60 | Savoirs et Pratiques du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle |
https://ror.org/0189yvq06 | Centre de Biologie Structurale |
https://ror.org/056mmjd70 | Modélisation et Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes Biologiques pour le Diagnostic |
https://ror.org/05rdqpb56 | AIM at Melanoma |
https://ror.org/041g4v832 | Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response |
https://ror.org/00kneq391 | Laboratory Orofacial Pathologies, Imaging and Biotherapies |
https://ror.org/036c9yv20 | University of Kansas Medical Center |
https://ror.org/048qk7477 | Inflammation, Microbiome and Immunosurveillance |
https://ror.org/011cav305 | Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences |
https://ror.org/01h04ms65 | U.S. Energy Information Administration |
https://ror.org/01cmkbc96 | Fulton–Montgomery Community College |
https://ror.org/0001a2m26 | SUNY Broome Community College |
https://ror.org/01rqwqr15 | Point Pedro Institute of Development |
https://ror.org/02r0wp596 | SUNY Ulster |
https://ror.org/01k383v05 | Centre for Energy and Thermal Sciences of Lyon |
https://ror.org/0431j1t39 | University of Iowa Health Care |
https://ror.org/017jp7t31 | Processes and Engineering in Mechanics and Materials |
https://ror.org/01yypjb30 | Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés |
https://ror.org/04nnxen11 | Office of Inspector General |
https://ror.org/01cmdpn82 | Signalisation, Neurobiologie et Cancer |
https://ror.org/046rm7j60 | University of California, Los Angeles |
https://ror.org/01c9ay627 | Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis |
https://ror.org/04n6fhj26 | Clinics Hospital of Ribeirão Preto |
https://ror.org/04rkh0096 | Littérature, Idéologies, Représentations aux XVIIIe et XIXe Siècles |
https://ror.org/0281dp749 | Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres |
https://ror.org/0447fe631 | United States Department of Defense |
https://ror.org/015gaxx73 | Laboratoire Optimisation de la Conception et Ingénierie de l'Environnement |
https://ror.org/04fw54a43 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
https://ror.org/02en5vm52 | Sorbonne Université |
https://ror.org/03gjv3a85 | State Key Laboratory of Laser Technology |
https://ror.org/05hyx5a17 | Laboratoire de Génie Électrique de Grenoble |
https://ror.org/00km40770 | Office of Environmental Management |
https://ror.org/02pttbw34 | Baylor College of Medicine |
https://ror.org/03vgfxd91 | Institut Pascal |
https://ror.org/018b0x874 | Laboratoire d'Hydrodynamique |
https://ror.org/02zwf7d57 | Neuropsychologie Cognitive et Physiopathologie de la Schizophrénie |
https://ror.org/0287ptp38 | France Business School |
https://ror.org/03787ar02 | Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics |
https://ror.org/03q82t418 | NHS Lothian |
https://ror.org/023ffhx15 | Laboratoire Roberval |
https://ror.org/005381c03 | Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences |
https://ror.org/04xbczw40 | Laboratoire Ampère |
https://ror.org/05kg11974 | The University of Kansas Health System |
https://ror.org/02z8yps18 | Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science and Graphic Arts |
https://ror.org/03rxtdc22 | École Normale Supérieure de Rennes |
https://ror.org/00xdg8m59 | Bell (Canada) |
https://ror.org/01q1z8k08 | State University of New York |
https://ror.org/04c3cen15 | Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est |
https://ror.org/044kxby82 | Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck |
https://ror.org/04qe59j94 | Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research |
https://ror.org/03k0cyw07 | Toray (United States) |
https://ror.org/026441d17 | Mindanao State University |
https://ror.org/05tj7dm33 | Office of Nuclear Energy |
https://ror.org/059qgvg50 | Health Research |
https://ror.org/05msy3529 | Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists |
https://ror.org/0171mae58 | Softmat - Chimie des colloïdes, polymères & assemblages complexes |
https://ror.org/042pgcv68 | China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences |
https://ror.org/015vtcw98 | Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes |
https://ror.org/034x1af55 | University of Nordland |
https://ror.org/04chq2495 | United States Department of Commerce |
https://ror.org/025nmxp11 | Institute of Fluid Mechanics of Toulouse |
https://ror.org/051escj72 | University of Montpellier |
https://ror.org/02rx3b187 | Université Grenoble Alpes |
https://ror.org/0581g8849 | Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées |
https://ror.org/05hy3tk52 | École Polytechnique |
https://ror.org/01edzc976 | Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation |
https://ror.org/03k171441 | Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) |
https://ror.org/00k4e5n71 | Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie |
https://ror.org/04g2swc55 | University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics |
https://ror.org/05s608j53 | Contact and Structure Mechanics Laboratory |
https://ror.org/00tdmgj61 | SUNY Canton |
https://ror.org/01z88k350 | Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America |
https://ror.org/00thqtb16 | University of Nebraska Medical Center |
https://ror.org/011dagb24 | Næstved Sygehus |
https://ror.org/002fxfq97 | Génomes, biologie cellulaire et thérapeutiques |
https://ror.org/0499dwk57 | Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center |
https://ror.org/03sk1we31 | National Nuclear Security Administration |
https://ror.org/04s778r16 | Office of Space and Defense Power Systems |
https://ror.org/04wecwh56 | Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences |
https://ror.org/01vrxpt40 | Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation & Procédés Propres |
https://ror.org/0401vze59 | Astrophysics Science Division |
https://ror.org/0096stf71 | The Bronx Defenders |
https://ror.org/04facpy29 | Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie |
https://ror.org/059fn5f50 | Fédération de Recherche PhotoVoltaïque |
https://ror.org/03br1wy20 | Institut Fresnel |
https://ror.org/01jr1v359 | Laboratoire d'Informatique Médicale et d'Ingénierie des Connaissances en e-Santé |
https://ror.org/03985kf35 | Techniques for Biomedical Engineering and Complexity Management–Informatics, Mathematics and Applications Grenoble |
https://ror.org/052gg0110 | University of Oxford |
https://ror.org/013bkhk48 | Université Paris Nanterre |
https://ror.org/0184n5y84 | University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital |
https://ror.org/04ceg1205 | Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine |