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ROR Metadata Policies

adambuttrick edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 21 revisions


About ROR metadata

As of April of 2024, ROR is curating its records in version 2 of the ROR schema. Version 1 of the ROR schema was based on the metadata inherited from ROR's predecessor service, GRID.

A single organization record is represented by the JSON structure shown below. The ROR search interface exposes a subset of the fields in the full schema. Users can submit feedback about which metadata to expose by creating a feature request in the ror-roadmap repository.

ROR JSON structure

    "admin": {
        "created": {
            "date": "2018-11-14",
            "schema_version": "1.0"
        "last_modified": {
            "date": "2024-02-21",
            "schema_version": "2.0"
    "domains": [],
    "established": 2010,
    "external_ids": [
            "all": [
            "preferred": "501100009517",
            "type": "fundref"
            "all": [
            "preferred": "grid.440907.e",
            "type": "grid"
            "all": [
                "0000 0004 1784 3645"
            "preferred": null,
            "type": "isni"
            "all": [
            "preferred": null,
            "type": "wikidata"
    "id": "",
    "links": [
            "type": "website",
            "value": ""
            "type": "wikipedia",
            "value": ""
    "locations": [
            "geonames_details": {
                "country_code": "FR",
                "country_name": "France",
                "lat": 48.85341,
                "lng": 2.3488,
                "name": "Paris"
            "geonames_id": 2988507
    "names": [
            "lang": null,
            "types": [
            "value": "PSL"
            "lang": null,
            "types": [
            "value": "PSL Research University"
            "lang": null,
            "types": [
            "value": "Universit\u00e9 PSL"
            "lang": null,
            "types": [
            "value": "Universit\u00e9 PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres)"
            "lang": null,
            "types": [
            "value": "Universit\u00e9 Paris Sciences et Lettres"
            "lang": null,
            "types": [
            "value": "Universit\u00e9 de recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres"
    "relationships": [
            "label": "ESPCI Paris",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Biologie cellulaire et Cancer",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "\u00c9cole Pratique des Hautes \u00c9tudes",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "La F\u00e9mis",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Mus\u00e9e Curie",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Infections Virales et Pathologie Compar\u00e9e",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Paris Jourdan Sciences Economiques",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "M\u00e9canismes mol\u00e9culaires dans les d\u00e9mences neurod\u00e9g\u00e9n\u00e9ratives",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Cancer et g\u00e9nome: Bioinformatique, biostatistiques et \u00e9pid\u00e9miologie des syst\u00e8mes complexes",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Cancer, H\u00e9t\u00e9rog\u00e9n\u00e9it\u00e9, Instabilit\u00e9 et Plasticit\u00e9",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "G\u00e9n\u00e9tique et biologie du d\u00e9veloppement",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives et Computationnelles",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Relais d'information sur les sciences de la cognition",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Laboratoire d'Immunologie et d'Immunoth\u00e9rapie des Cancers",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Chimie et Biologie de la Cellule",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Chimie Biologie Innovation",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Centre d\u2019Archives en Philosophie, Histoire et \u00c9dition des Sciences",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Chimie et Mod\u00e9lisation pour la Biologie du Cancer",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Institut des Mat\u00e9riaux Poreux de Paris",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Neuropsychologie et Imagerie de la M\u00e9moire Humaine",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Physique pour la m\u00e9decine Paris",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Francilienne de M\u00e9canique - Mat\u00e9riaux, Structures, Proc\u00e9d\u00e9s",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "PHOTOSYNTHESE",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Couplage Multi-physiques et Multi-\u00e9chelles en m\u00e9canique g\u00e9o-environnemental",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Physico-Chimie Analytique et Biologique",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Chimie et Mat\u00e9riaux de Paris-Centre",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Formation, Innovation, Recherche, Services et Transfert en Temps-Fr\u00e9quence",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de recherche PLAS@PAR",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Ile de France de recherche sur l'environnement",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Centre Roland Mousnier",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliqu\u00e9e",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Tara Oceans Systems Ecology & Evolution",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "GDR NBODY : Probl\u00e8me quantique \u00e0 N corps en chimie et physique",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Recherche Interactions Fondamentales",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Replication des chromosomes eucaryotes et ses points de contr\u00f4le",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration de Recherche sur l'Energie Solaire",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Fondation Sciences math\u00e9matiques de Paris",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Institut de Chimie Mol\u00e9culaire de Paris : organique, inorganique et biologique",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Microscopie Fonctionnelle du Vivant",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Mines Paris - PSL",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Observatoire de Paris",
            "type": "child",
            "id": ""
            "label": "Chimie Mol\u00e9culaire, Macromol\u00e9culaire, Mat\u00e9riaux",
            "type": "related",
            "id": ""
    "status": "active",
    "types": [

JSON schema overview

Full list of schema v2 fields and subfields

Field name Type Description Allowed values
admin Object Container for administrative information about the record
admin.created Object Container for administrative information about the creation of the record String Date the record was added to ROR Date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
admin.created.schema_version String ROR schema version that the record was initially created in 1.0, 2.0
admin.last_modified Object Container for administrative information about the last modification to the record String Date the record was last modified in ROR Date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
admin.last_modified.schema_version String ROR schema version that the record was last modified in 1.0, 2.0
domains Array (of strings) Fully-qualified domains that belong to the organization, using the smallest number of labels needed encompass the organization (excluding www). Each domain must be unique within ROR; a given domain cannot be listed in multiple ROR records. Multiple values are allowed, however, values cannot be subdomains of other domains listed in the same ROR record.
established Number Year the organization was established (CE) Date as YYYY
external_ids Object Container for information about identifiers in other systems ("external identifiers") that are associated with a given organization in ROR
external_ids.all Array (of strings) All external identifiers of the type specified in external_ids.type
external_ids.preferred String Preferred external identifier for the organization of the type specified in external_ids.type
external_ids.type String Identifier system that the identifiers in external_ids.all and external_ids.preferred belong to. Supported systems are Crossref Open Funder Registry (formerly FundRef), GRID (deprecated, but currently supported in ROR for records included in ROR seed data supplied by GRID), ISNI and Wikidata. fundref, grid, isni, wikidata
id String Unique ROR ID for the organization
links Object Container for information about URLs related to the organization
links.type String Type of link listed in links.value website, wikipedia
links.value String URL of a link related to the organization Valid URI, according to IETF RFC 3986
locations Object Container for location information
locations.geonames_details Object Container for details derived from the Geonames record for the Geonames ID in locations.geonames_id
locations.geonames_details.country_code String ISO 3166-2 code for the country that the organization is located in, from the Geonames record for the Geonames ID in locations.geonames_id Valid 2-character ISO 3166-2 country code (uppercase) Number Latitude of the location identified in locations.geonames_id, from the Geonames record for that Geonames ID
locations.geonames_details.lng Number Longitude of the location identified in locations.geonames_id, from the Geonames record for that Geonames ID String Name of the location identified in locations.geonames_id, from the Geonames record for that Geonames ID.
locations.geonames_id Integer Geonames ID for the city or most granular administrative region that the organization is located in. For most records, this ID represents a city, but for organizations not located in a city, the value in this field is ID of the most granular administrative region for the location available in Geonames. Valid Geonames ID
names Object Container for name information
names.lang String ISO 639-1 language code that identifies the language of a value in names.value. May be used with any name type(s). Valid 2-character ISO 639-1 language code (lowercase)
names.types Array (of strings) The type(s) associated with the name contained in names.value. Each name must have at least 1 type, and exactly 1 name must have ror_display in its types. Each name can have multiple types, for example ror_display and label. acronym, alias, label, ror_display
names.value String Name that the organization is (or was) known by, which may be a current official name, former name, alias, acronym, etc.
relationships Object Container for relationship information String Unique ROR ID of another organization which is related to the organization
relationships.label String Name of another organization identified in, which is related to the organization
relationships.type String Type of relationship between the organization and another organization identified in child, parent, related, successor, predecessor
status String Whether the organization is active or not active, inactive, withdrawn
types Array (of strings) Organization type(s). Allowed types: Education, Healthcare, Company, Archive, Nonprofit, Government, Facility, Funder, Other archive, company, education, facility, funder, government, healthcare, other

Policies for specific metadata elements

* indicates a value is required


The official name of the organization used for affiliation purposes (this may be different than the organization's legal name).

Only one name can be included in the as the ror_display value. ROR metadata includes additional fields (names.types.alias, names.types.labels, names.types.acronym) for other versions of an organization’s name so that these versions of the name can also be represented in the metadata record and so that the organization can be discoverable in the registry no matter which version of a name is input by a user in searches and API queries.

Historically, GRID defaulted to the the English form for the primary name when an English version was available. ROR supports whatever is preferred by the organization, with the caveat that the primary name can only be rendered using Latin (Roman) characters.

ROR metadata in all other name fields can support multiple languages and character sets.

The primary data source for the organization name and formatting thereof is the organization's website.

names.types.alias and names.types.label

names.types.alias values are used for one or more alternate forms of the organization name that may be used for affiliation purposes but are not considered the primary name according to official organization policy and/or for the purposes of ROR metadata handling. This field may include both current and historical name variants. ROR does not currently identify which aliases are current versus historical (this is something we may address in future iterations of the ROR schema).

names.types.label values are equivalent versions of the organization name in one or more languages other than that used as the ror_display name.


One or more official acronyms or initialisms for the organization, typically consisting of the first letters of the words in the organization name (e.g., UCLA for “University of California, Los Angeles”). Anything which includes a part of the name (e.g. UC Los Angeles) or is otherwise an abbreviated form should be listed as names.types.alias` instead.

The primary website of the organization. Only one URL should be associated with the record.

In the case of websites with translated versions that use a language suffix like “/en”, the generic URL (without the language suffix) is used as long as the website resolves without it.


The type of organization based on a controlled list of categories. An organization always has a type. ROR metadata can support multiple types for a given organization but in most cases, there will just be one type associated with the organization.

Based on the available information about the organization, curators will use their judgement in determining the appropriate category to assign.

Allowed types:

  • Education: A university or similar institution involved in providing education and educating/employing researchers
  • Healthcare: A medical care facility such as hospital or medical clinic. Excludes medical colleges/universities, which should be categorized as “Education”.
  • Company: A private for-profit corporate entity involved in conducting or sponsoring research.
  • Archive: An organization involved in stewarding research and cultural heritage materials. Includes libraries, museums, and zoos.
  • Nonprofit: A non-profit and non-governmental organization involved in conducting or funding research.
  • Government: An organization that is part of or operated by a national or regional government and that conducts or supports research.
  • Facility: A specialized facility where research takes place, such as a laboratory or telescope or dedicated research area.
  • Funder: An organization that funds research.
  • Other: Use this category for any organization that does not fit the categories above.


The status of the organization.

Allowed statuses:

  • active: An organization that is actively producing research outputs.
  • inactive: An organization that has ceased operation or producing research outputs.
  • withdrawn: A record that was created in error or determined by the ROR curation team to no longer be in scope for the registry.

A record with a status of inactive or withdrawn may have one or more successor organizations listed in its relationships. Successor relationships indicate that another organization continues the work of an organization that has become inactive or has been withdrawn. Records may likewise indicate predecessor organizations in the case of mergers or other forms of subsumption, but there is no requirement that either successor or predecessor relationships be bidirectional.


A city or specified location is required to populate corresponding data from Geonames, such as latitude/longitude coordinates, state/province/region, and country.

Multiple locations

While version 2 of the ROR schema supports multiple locations, additional locations should only be added where the organization fully exists in more than one location. Offices, satellite campuses, or facilities that are otherwise constituent to, but located separately from, the organization do not warrant inclusion of additional location values.


Other identifiers for the organization (if available).

ROR maps its IDs to the following other identifiers: GRID, Wikidata, ISNI, and Crossref Funder Registry (“fundref”).

There are additional IDs in the existing v1 metadata that are primarily legacy identifiers. These will not be actively curated in new records, are removed automatically when a record is updated, and are removed entirely in version 2 of the ROR schema: OrgRef, UCAS, CNRS, HESA, UKPRN.


One or more organizations that the organization is related to.

Five types of relations are supported:

  • Parent
  • Child
  • Related
  • Successor
  • Predecessor

An organization can have multiple relationships but each relationship must be classified as Parent, Child, Related, Predecessor or Successor.

Relationship types

Parent/child relationships indicate a relationship where the parent exercises control (supervisory, administrative, or financial) over the child, or the child is a component of the parent entity, like a research center within a university. The "related" relationship type denotes less defined connections, such as resource sharing or participation without direct control. Successor and predecessor relationships track organizational continuity and used when an entity ceases operations or to redirect from erroneous records to correct ones.

Inverse relationships

Parent, Child and Related types must have corresponding relationships in the related record, except in the case of records with status inactive or withdrawn. For example, if Organization A's record contains a relationship to Organization B with type Parent (and both records have status active), Organization B's record must contain a corresponding relationship to Organization A with type Child.

Predecessor and Successor types may optionally contain corresponding relationships in the related records, but they are not required. For example, if Organization A becomes inactive and contains a relationship to Organization B with type Successor, Organization A may or may not contain a corresponding relationship to Organization A with type Predecessor.

Relationships to inactive records

Records with status active cannot contain relationships to records with status inactive or withdrawn, except for relationships with type Predecessor.

Records with status inactive or withdrawn may have relationships to records with status active, for the sake of preserving the record data at the time the record status was changed to inactive or withdrawn. These are not considering current relationships and do not require corresponding relationships in related records.