this is a toy implementation of the raft consensus algorithm in typescript. it is not intended for production use, but rather as a learning tool. it is based on the raft paper and the raft dissertation.
to get started with taft:
# install dependencies
yarn install
# build the typescript code
yarn build
we've built a test harness that spins up a cluster of nodes and verifies raft properties:
# run all tests
yarn test
the test harness will automatically:
- start 5 raft nodes
- wait for leader election
- run various test scenarios
- clean up all processes when done
our test suite verifies four key properties of raft:
this test checks if the cluster can properly elect a leader, and that when a leader fails, a new leader is elected.
🧪 RUNNING TEST: Leader Election
the test:
- identifies the current leader
- stops the leader
- verifies a new leader is elected from the remaining nodes
- restarts the old leader
- checks that the cluster is stable
this test verifies that commands sent to the leader are replicated to all followers.
🧪 RUNNING TEST: Log Replication
the test:
- sends several commands to the leader ("set x 1", "set y 2", "set z 3")
- verifies all nodes eventually have the same log length
- confirms replication is working properly
this test checks that logs remain consistent even when leadership changes.
🧪 RUNNING TEST: Log Consistency After Leader Change
the test:
- sends commands to the current leader
- stops the leader to force an election
- sends more commands to the new leader
- verifies all nodes eventually converge to the same log state
- restarts the old leader and confirms it catches up
this test verifies that the cluster continues to operate during network partitions.
🧪 RUNNING TEST: Network Partition
the test:
- creates a "partition" by stopping a minority of nodes
- verifies the leader remains stable (as it's in the majority partition)
- confirms commands can still be processed
- heals the partition by restarting nodes
- verifies all nodes eventually converge
each node in our raft implementation:
- starts in follower state
- transitions to candidate if it doesn't hear from a leader
- becomes leader if it gets votes from a majority
- as leader, replicates commands to followers
- steps down if it discovers a higher term
nodes communicate via http endpoints:
- used during elections/raft/appendEntries
- used for log replication and heartbeats/execute
- submit commands to the cluster/status
- get the current state of a node
if the tests fail with "EADDRINUSE" errors, you likely have orphaned raft processes:
# find and kill processes using ports 3000-3004
lsof -i :3000-3004 | grep LISTEN
kill -9 [PID]
the test harness has built-in cleanup that should prevent this, but if you ctrl+c during a test, some processes might remain.
raft is a protocol for distributed consensus. it is a way for a cluster of nodes to agree on a value. it is used in many distributed systems to ensure that all nodes in a cluster agree on the same value. it is used in many distributed databases, such as etcd and cockroachdb.
the key insight of raft is to decompose consensus into more understandable sub-problems:
- leader election (using randomized timeouts)
- log replication (leader-driven)
- safety (voting restrictions & commitment rules)