Gamification Prototype for Honours Research
You need to create an uploads folder for any files that you wish to upload in the main directory
To set up the environment: $ php -S localhost:3000 (or any free port)
Then in Google Chrome/another web browser type in: http://localhost:3000/ (or the specified port)
You can find my honours research project paper in the uploads folder to understand more background about the system.
Please remember that it is just a proof of concept so it is not fully developed/tested.
It is only a prototype for demonstration purposes to get the project idea across.
The files are:
The folder /uploads is in the main directory with the files
Features for achievements tool:
All the achievements can be shown (i.e. locked and unlocked achievements are displayed)
All of the achievements can be locked at once.
All of the achievements can be unlocked at once.
Achievements can be added or removed.
The total number of achievable achievements (i.e. locked achievements can be displayed).
The total number of achieved achievements (i.e. unlocked achievements can be displayed).
All the achievements can be reset (i.e. all of the achievements are removed/deleted)\
Features for the progression tool:
Automatic updating of video watch checkbox after 90% of the video playtime has occured.
Automated update of video progress on watch checkbox change
Automated update of assignment progress on assignment checkbox change
Automated update of total course progress on both assignment and video checkbox updates\
Please feel free to check out the demo video in the uploads folder :)