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elisctl usecases

Petr Baudis edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 6 revisions

elisctl usecases

Developers working with Elis are generally taking care of three tasks:

  • Configuration: Elis setup per user's requirements (first priority)
  • Integration: Getting data from outside systems to Elis and from Elis to outside systems
  • Customization: Customizing Elis to support the specific user (business rules, interactivity, workflow)

Typical situation for initial Elis users ("BASIC" scenario): Single organization, workspace, queue, a dedicated schema and an admin user. elisctl should make working in the BASIC scenario easy, and working in the more complex scenarios possible. Best interfaces are discoverable - i.e. what you learned as BASIC users should be reusable in the complex scenario again.


Create/List/Delete Users

(...often add many new users at once.)

Change user's role or queue mapping

Reset user's password

Create/List/Rename/Delete Workspaces

Create/List/Rename/RenameInbox/Delete Queues

List ideally with workspace-based filter being only optional.

Modify the schema attached to a queue

In the BASIC scenario, likely iterating a bit by trial and error before finding the ideal schema.

In more advanced scenarios, I think it's fine to assume and enforce that each queue would have a separate schema object (that could make the interface much more straightforward to do).

This includes the awesome xls-to-enum tooling.


Upload a document to queue

List documents in queue

Likely with a filter, hypothesis is that users will (almost?) always filter at least by status.

Download captured data

Either for the whole queue or for a single document.

This includes the CSV transformation tooling.


Setup or change a connector

Change document status

Move document between queues

("Move" may mean "copy & delete" or some-such.)