This component uses the locally installed, high quality text-to-speech (TTS) engine in macOS and
the locally installed afplay
macOS utility to play media files on the selected sound output
As of Mac OS X 10.6, macOS requires that the speech synthesizer is invoked inside a user name
space - otherwise, the say
process will just hang forever because the system cannot create a
Since Home Assistant itself will run as a daemon (detached from the user), the macOS TTS component requires the installation of a helper program. The easiest way to do this is to install using HomeBrew (
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
This installs a small executable into /usr/local/bin
, aptly named reattach-to-user-namespace
See for technical details.
Copy custom_components/macos_tts
to custom_components/macos_tts
inside your Home Assistant
configuration folder.
Enable and configure in configuration.yaml
- platform: macos_tts
voice: 'Ava'
- platform: macos_tts
Available voices are listed in System Preferences (Accessibility > Speech as of High Sierra), or
you can use the say
$ say -v'?'
Amelie fr_CA # Bonjour, je m’appelle Amelie. Je suis une voix canadienne.
Ava en_US # Hello, my name is Ava. I am an American-English voice.
Daniel en_GB # Hello, my name is Daniel. I am a British-English voice.
Diego es_AR # Hola, me llamo Diego y soy una voz española.
Make sure you download at least one high-quality voice using System Preferences (possibly listed as "enhanced" or "premium"). Alex, Ava, and Samantha are good choices.
Note: While it's possible to configure a language such as en-US, the language setting is ignored. Select a matching voice instead.
Use the developer tools - services in the web interface to call the service tts.macos_tts_say
with service data
{"message": "Hello world, can you hear me now?"}
If the Mac's default speaker is on and the media player component is working, you should hear the synthesized voice. If you have not yet configured a media player, and the log level is set to allow it, Home Assistant will add a log entry
2017-12-29 23:55:02 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Unable to find service ...
In any case, the synthesized speech can be found in the cache directory tts
, for example:
-rw-r--r-- 1 _ha _ha 44552 Dec 29 23:55 cafebabedeadbeef0badabbababafeca_en-us_-_macos_tts.m4a
The macOS TTS component saves synthesized speech in m4a
(MPEG-4 Audio) format. Not only does this
save disk space, but it's one of the few formats both Home Assistant's TTS and macOS understand.
You can play these files using afplay
This component starts a local http web server and waits for connections. When a client connects with a GET request, the URL is parsed and a binary sensor is triggered.
Three types of sensors are supported:
Type | Configuration | Description |
self-resetting | set_path , reset_delay |
Triggered by GET to set_path, resets to off after reset_delay seconds |
toggle | set_path |
GET to set_path toggles state |
set-reset | set_path , reset_path |
GET to set_path turns on, GET to reset_path turns off |
Copy custom_components/httpserver
to custom_components/httpserver
in your Home Assistant
configuration folder.
In configuration.yaml
, add the new httpserver
binary_sensor platform.
Under sensors
, add one sensor for each HTTP URL path you wish to respond to. Each of these will
create one binary sensor in Home Assistant.
The listen_port
is an available local port.
Key | Description |
set_path |
URL path to turn sensor on, or to toggle. |
reset_path |
URL path to turn sensor off (set-reset only). |
friendy_name |
User facing name for the sensor. |
device_class |
A supported binary_sensor device class. See documentation. |
reset_delay |
For self-resetting sensors, the time in seconds after triggering when the sensor returns to False (off). |
initial_state |
True or False. Sensor state on startup, defaults to False (off) |
- platform: httpserver
listen_port: 8130
set_path: "/motion/garage"
friendly_name: "Garage Motion (self-resetting)"
device_class: motion
reset_delay: 20
set_path: "/sensor/toggle"
friendly_name: "Toggle Sensor"
device_class: motion
initial_state: True
set_path: "/sensor/set/1"
reset_path: "/sensor/set/0"
friendly_name: "Set-Reset Sensor"
device_class: motion
Restart Home Assistant.
Use curl
to trigger the binary sensor. If the Home Assistant server IP is, then the
test command for the self-resetting sensor shown in the example would be:
$ curl
Since Home Assistant will return a "200" (OK) HTTP status, curl will not print anything on success. curl will return an error message however in case of invalid IP:port or a non-configured path.
Foscam FI8910W can post http requests when it detects motion. Note: This feature is not available on newer cameras.
The following describes cameras following the API in IP Camera CGI V1.27.
The camera does not post another request when the sensor clears, so we need to configure a self-resetting sensor.
To get the current settings of your Foscam (in the example, the camera is at address port 80):
$ curl ""
var alarm_motion_armed=0;
var alarm_http=0;
var alarm_http_url=;
Pick a free local port number on the Home Assistant system. In this example, we're using port 8130 which is not otherwise used. HA is at IP
Enable the motion sensor (which could also be done using the camera's web UI), and set the
parameters http and http_url (these are hidden in the camera's web UI) using curl
$ curl ""
Other options such as sensitivity and motion compensation can be set in the web UI.
You can test whether the motion alarms are working without setting up a httpserver binary_sensor.
To do so, start a local http server on the PORT you specified in the camera's http_url. This is
easiest using nc
$ nc -l 8130
Then, get the camera to trigger and you should see:
GET /motion/garage HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: myclient/1.0