Every day habit tracker with 7days of changable history functionality
- 📁assets
- 📁css
- 📁images
- 📁js
- 📁config
- 📁controllers
- 📁models
- 📁routes
- 📁views
I have used Nodemon to run project
npm install -g nodemon
MONGO_URL=<you live mongodb url>
1. Go to the project directory. Ex. in windows -> cd habittracker
2. Create an .env file in the root directory and add PORT and MONGO_URL
I have used live mongodb url like
mongodb+srv://<user name>:<password>@<cluster somthing>.<random id>.mongodb.net/<your_db_name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority
then run this command on the same directory
npm install
then run
npm run start