#License MIT
Roy Massaad 2023
CNN Image binary classification network sample using Pytorch Train and test with cli (tooling lib placed in cnntools folder) Cat Dog Dataset included from Kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/shaunthesheep/microsoft-catsvsdogs-dataset/data
#Main Module
main.py, config.py, and the neural tensor processing files in cnntools folder, using Pytorch Default network has 3 convolution layers and 2 linear fully connected layers check/edit hyperparameters in config.py CNN is in structs.py
#Side Module
A Django webapp folder where you can take a photo or upload from gallery and have the CNN classify it This side project can be deployed online, it has its own duplicate cnntools folder inside it and a saved model trained file to use "trained_model_xxx.pth". Default password to upload the form image is 'pass123' (change it if deployed online)
Python 3.x (tested on Python 3.11)
Pytorch 1.x+ (tested on Pytorch 2 with cpu, cuda and mps)
For testing use PyTest