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RHDP - React Hook Datepicker

RHDP - React Hook Datepicker

A React Hook based primitive to build simple, flexible datepicker components that are WAI-ARIA compliant, and support localization.

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The Problem

You need a datepicker that can be fully customized in appearance, but it needs to be accessible, and flexible enough to meet your needs. It should work with any design system, including one built in-house, and have zero dependencies (besides React of course). It should also meet accessibility specs for screenreaders, as well as keyboard accessibility. It should also only concern itself with dates, a datepicker should not concern itself with time, or timezones.

The Solution

RHDP offers a single react hook called useDatepicker. It provides functions and properties to populate your own React based datepicker component. It is fully typed with Typescript and backed by interaction and unit tests. You can lift and shift any of the existing datepicker components built with RHDP in the examples and adapt them to your needs.

Use your own design system or one of the many publicly available design systems to easily match the datepicker with the look for your site. Just provide css classes for the applicable styles for them to be applied at the component level.

This React Hook Datepicker allows several modes of operation: single select, range select, multi-select, and max multi-select. Selectable dates can be limited by min and max dates as well as blocked dates. It also supports Sunday or Monday as the start of the week.

RHDP takes in the ISO 8601 extended date format, that's to say YYYY-MM-DD and outputs the same. This format allows for lexicographical sorting of dates, and removes any concerns or bugs that may arise from dealing with disparate local and server times.

Zero dependencies & purpose built.


All props are fully typed in Typescript. This small subset is provided here for quick reference. View the full types.

Property Type Description
blockedDates string[] | string YYYY-MM-DD format, prevents selection of specified dates
focusOnInit boolean Will cause focus to be set to the first of an array of dates or today
hasFocusTrap boolean Will cause focus to be constrained to the datepicker and controls while the datepicker is open as a popover
labels object Button labels for accessibility, English defaults provided
labels.closeButton string
labels.dateSelected string
labels.nextMonthButton string
labels.nextYearButton string
labels.previousMonthButton string
labels.previousYearButton string string
locale Intl.DateTimeFormat Defaults to en-US, see Localization section for more details
maxDate string YYYY-MM-DD format, if set prevents selection & navigation past that date
minDate string YYYY-MM-DD format, if set prevents selection & navigation before that date
mode 'single' | 'range' | 'multiple' | number Sets the selection mode for the datepicker, number is a max # of dates
onChange function(string[] | string) Function called whenever the selected dates change (string in single mode, otherwise an array)
onClose function() Function which is executed when date selection criteria is satisfied
selectDates string[] | string YYYY-MM-DD format, pre-selects the supplied dates
weekStart 0 | 1 Changes the start day of the week from Sunday to Monday

Returned props

All returned props are fully typed in Typescript. This small subset is provided here for quick reference. View the full types.

Property Type Description
calendar CalendarDay[][] Represents the current month's calendar, see CalendarDay type for more details
displayDaysOfTheWeek DisplayDaysOfTheWeek[] Each day of the week, localized, available in full, short and narrow formats
displayMonth string Full month name, localized, of the displayed calendar month
displayYear string 4 digit year of the displayed calendar month
focusedDate string The date which currently has focus
getCalendarContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the calendar container
getCalendarDayContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the calendar day container
getCalendarWeekContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the calendar week container
getDayOfTheWeekProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the each day of the week
getDaysOfTheWeekContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the days of the week container
getControlsContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the controls container (prev/next month/year)
getDatepickerContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the datepicker container
getDayButtonProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the buttons of each day in the calendar
getMonthYearContainerProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the month/year container
getNextMonthButtonProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the next month button
getNextYearButtonProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the next year button
getOnCloseButtonProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the hide datepicker button
getPreviousMonthButtonProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the previous month button
getPreviousYearButtonProps function() Getter to apply attributes, methods & props to the previous year button
hoveredDate string The date which is currently hovered
id string The id of the datepicker ]
setMonth function(number) Set the month of the year for the calendar in the datepicker, 1 based (1-12)
setYear function(number) Set the 4 digit year for the calendar in the datepicker
today string Today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format

CalendarDay type

Property Type Description
blocked boolean Whether the day is blocked and should not be selectable
disabled boolean Whether the day is disabled and should not be selectable
displayText string The number displayed in each cell of the calendar grid
formatted string The YYYY-MM-DD formatted string of the day
hovered boolean Whether the day is hovered
index number The day of the week index for this particular day (0-6)
inMonth boolean Whether the day is in the visible month
inRange boolean Whether the day is in a selected range (mode: 'range')
rangeEnd boolean Whether the day is the end of the selected range (mode: 'range')
rangeStart boolean Whether the day is the start of the selected range (mode: 'range')
selected boolean Whether the day is selected
today boolean Whether the day is today


If the datepicker is going to be contained in a popover, focusOnInit, hasFocusTrap and onClose should be set in useDatepicker for proper operation. The button which shows/hides the datepicker should have aria-haspopup={true}. If an icon is used in the button instead of descriptive text, it should also have the aria-label attribute with an appropriate label. aria-describedby should contain the id of the element which contains the updated selected date if the value of the date needs to be announced when focus is on the open datepicker button.


Intl.DateTimeFormat is used to automatically localize the days of the week and the months of the year for display if the locale prop is passed with a valid locale. There are labels that can be passed in for various elements which are used by screen readers, and by default English values are supplied, but for other languages, the labels will need to be supplied by your localization system.


If your target project is bundled with Webpack, it should use Webpack 5 for proper support of modern Class syntax.


  • yarn add rhdp or npm install --save rhdp




git clone
cd rhdp
yarn storybook


git clone
cd rhdp
npm install
npm run storybook