This is a ready to use Slim skeleton with SBAdmin2 (compiled)
Only /dist folder is included. You can find the templates in templates/layouts
- Layout: layouts.master
- Layout: includes.flash
- Layout: auth.master
- Layout: auth.login
- Layout: auth.register
- Layout: auth.forget_password
- Layout: errors.master
- Layout: errors.404
You can clone this repository & rename it to your project
git clone your-project-name
Click that green button on right top corner (Clone or download) -> Download ZIP Extract it and rename to your project name
Change composer.json to your liking first (detail of your project). Make sure you have composer installed, then cd to the project folder and do the following
composer install
Clone .env.template or just rename it to .env then fill in the details & don't forget to setup your DB.
Serve locally using php built in and visit localhost:8080
composer start