IotDevicesPy is a Python lib for controlling IOT devices that contains following packages.
- IotLib - base classes for general IOT components and devices
- LegoLib - classes wrapping Lego MoveHub and components
- CameraLib - encapsulates cameras (Pi and OpenCV) used for video streaming and face tracking
- download/clone the respository. These steps assume that the code is under /home/pi/IotDevicesPy.
- Install dependencies.
- without video streaming
- LegoLib: pylgbst (see for more dependencies)
- with video streaming and face tracking on Raspberry Pi
- CameraLib: python3-opencv, dlib, picamera (opencv depends on numpy, libatlas-base-dev)
- examples: flask
- with video streaming and face tracking on Windows
- python-opencv, dlib (see Notes below)
- pip install Flask
- without video streaming
- Install the IotDevices packages.
- Raspberry Pi
cd IotDevicesPy
sudo pip3 install .
- Windows
cd IotDevicesPy
pip install .
- Run samples under examples folder. See Examples section for details. Note that 'sudo' is needed to run in Raspberry Pi.
Python base classes to support IOT devices.
- IotNode - the base class for all IOT nodes
- IotMotor - the base class for motors
- IotEncodedMotor - base class for encoded motors
- IotDistanceSensor - base class for sensor measuring distance
- IotMobileBot - base class that implements main functions for a mobile bot
Classes to support camera and face tracking.
Classes to control Boost componnts. LegoLib extends the classes defined in IotLib.
- LegoMoveHub - connect to Move Hub and sending commands
- LegoMotor - implements controls to lego motor
- BoostBot - implements controls to a Boost bot (like Vernie)
- BoostCommandBot - extends BoostBot to support using text command
Sample codes are provided under the examples folder. Also see for more usages. Note that 'sudo' is needed to run in Raspberry Pi.
- - simple code to run Boost in auto modes (follow, wander)
- - simple code to run Boost using BoostBot class
- - simple code to run Boost using BoostCommandBot class
- - simple code to run Boost along with video streaming from a Pi Zero W as in this picture. Note that the resolution is 320x240 due to Pi Zero limitation.
- - sample video streaming service using flask
- - simple code to stream on RasPi
- - simple code to stream on Windows
- MoveHub automatically switch off a lot immediately after connected on Raspberry Pi Zero (for both pygatt and bluepy). However, that never happened for Windows and Raspberry Pi 4.
- Blue tooth package used for testing
- Windows: bleak
- Raspberry Pi: pygatt
- install opencv on Windows with Visual Studio Community 2022 and Python 3.10
- install "Desktop development with C++" in Visual Studio
- install cmake: pip install CMake
- download dlib from and unzip
- edit numpy.h (see davisking/dlib#2463)
- build & install dlib from the unzipped folder: py install
- install numpy & opencv: pip install numpy opencv-python
- Maybe it's better to replace Vernie's head with Raspberry Pi 4 for better stability and performance.
- RasPi components and devides
- Kasa smart plug
- Tello drone
- Leverage Android phone's sensors