This is a version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition System Reference Document by Wizards of the Coast, as released under their Open Gaming Licence.
The goal of this project is to provide a base for extending and adapting Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. The Sphinx system is designed for documenting software, something quite similar to the SRD, and is well suited to extending reference documents like this one, and for converting them in to a large number of useful formats.
A second goal is to provide an on-line version that can be referenced by Intersphinx, so that people making other content in Sphinx, such as modules and campaigns, can references the standard spells, monsters, etc.
The plan is to create a custom domain extension for Sphinx so that things like classes, spells, creatures, etc. are easy to create and cross-reference (rather like classes and functions in software).
Here are a few to-do items:
- Things like spells, creatures, weapons, classes, races should be documented with a custom domain so that they can be indexed.
- Spell lists, weapon tables, etc. should be automatically generated.
- A custom HTML theme should be created to make the HTML output resemble Wizards official documentation.
- A custom output should be created to generate things like printable spell cards.
See the introduction of the documentation produced by this project for acknowledgements and licensing information.