Welcome 👋 to the Linnaeus-University-Bachelor-CS repository! This is a collection of assignments, projects, and study materials from my Bachelor's Program in Computer Science at Linnaeus University (2018–2021).
Below is a list of the courses featured in this repository. Each course folder contains a curated collection of assignments, projects, and additional resources that I worked on throughout the program.
2DV50E ✔️ Degree Project at Bachelor Level
1DV516 ✔️ Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures
1DV507 ✔️ Programming and Data Structures
1DV506 ✔️ Problem Solving and Programming
1DV607 ✔️ Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML
1MA462 ✔️ Discrete Mathematics
1MA441 ✔️ Basic Mathematics for Computer Scientists
1DV523 ✔️ Server-based Web Programming
1DV525 ✔️ Introduction to Web Programming
2DV609 ✔️ Project Course in Software Engineering
1DV508 ✔️ Project Course in Computer Science
2DV513 ✔️ Database Theory
2DV608 ✔️ Software Design
2DV610 ✔️ Software Testing
1DV600 ✔️ Software Technology
1DT301 ✔️ Computer Technology 1
1DV512 ✔️ Operating Systems
1EN114 ✔️ English for Academic Studies
1DV510 ✔️ Technical Information and Communication
DA20E ✔️ Programming in C# Malmö University
2DV505 ✔️ Current Topics within Computer Science
1DT305 ✔️ Introduction to Applied Internet of Things
1DV535 ✔️ Introduction to App Development with Flutter
1DV700 ✔️ Computer Security
1DV701 ✔️ Computer Networks
Thanks for visiting! 😊🧭✨!