- 👋 Hi, I’m Raj Kumar Rangwani
- MY CV: View my CV
1. Computerv1
2. ft Linear Regression
3. ft Turing
Linear Regression with ML (basic)
Logistic Regression with Visualizations
1. MOI_Hackathon_AudioTags : Demo of a feature to add to the existing android app of the Ministry of Interior of the UAE. The feature is to provide assistance to user's that cannot read English, or see.
1. 42_libft : It is a library of commonly used functions.
2. 42_ft_printf : It is a replica of the printf function in C.
4. 42_so_long : A 2D maze game created using 42's own graphic rendering library.
5. 42_push_swap : Solving the problem of sorting a stack using one other (empty) stack.
6. 42_pipex : Recreating the '|' (pipe) control operator in bash.
8. 42_philosophers : Solving the classic philosopher's dining problem using multi-threading.