Hi there! I am ✨ Romen Samuel Wabina ✨, a PhD student in Data Science in Healthcare and Clinical Informatics.
- 🔭 Part-time lecturer (Computational Statistics | Deep Learning | Computer Vision) in University of Science and Technology of the Philippines
- 🔭 Data Scientist in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (main projects: CKD Data Warehouse, Feature Extraction using Large Language Models)
- 🌱 Specialty: Computer Vision, Uncertainty Quantification, Optimization, and Dynamical Systems
- 👀 Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, Bioinformatics, and Clinical Informatics
- 📫 @rrwabina
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a deutan colorblind. I cannot distinguish red and green! Maybe this is the reason why I love computer vision.