This program was made in assembler x64 and can calculate the factorial up to 40000
multiply(a[1..p], b[1..q], base) // Operands containing rightmost digits at index 1
product = [1..p+q] // Allocate space for result
for b_i = 1 to q // for all digits in b
carry = 0
for a_i = 1 to p // for all digits in a
product[a_i + b_i - 1] += carry + a[a_i] * b[b_i]
carry = product[a_i + b_i - 1] / base
product[a_i + b_i - 1] = product[a_i + b_i - 1] mod base
product[b_i + p] = carry // last digit comes from final carry
return product
Compile with:
nasm -f elf64 -o bigFactorialNumber64.o bigFactorialNumber64.asm
Link with:
ld -m elf_x86_64 -o bigFactorialNumber64 bigFactorialNumber64.o
Run with: