This is an old version. Go to for current release.
Users of earlier 2.9 versions: No need to download this update if your system is working correctly.
Special note. Lightroom 7.3 and 7.3.1 have bugs causing the following problems.
- Dehaze adjustment causes Effects Panel to open up when Reveal adjusted panel is checked. This is a Lightroom bug.
- Applying develop presets via MIDI2LR will reset all settings that aren't specified in the preset. This is a Lightroom bug.
Version 7.4 fixed Adobe's develop presets bug.
Changes in this update.
- Bug fix. Guarded against concurrency errors in commandmap.
- Improvement. Increased logging. Log file MIDI2LR.log now located in C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\MIDI2LR (Windows) or ~/Library/Logs/MIDI2LR (MacOS).
File hashes for installers. File hashes not provided for debug versions. Always download debug versions directly from, never from a secondary source.
- Windows.
- CRC32: 7C6F57D5
- MD5: C3F9064D46679142ABC8F0321B2CD1D4
- SHA-1: EF66ACB3D246300BB799827CCD6072D409DDCC01
- MacOS
- CRC32: 10D870DF
- MD5: 21D58942DDCF90EA33D8EBC4312BC655
- SHA-1: 233BE55C186A7B992F469D10E5AAAABB65DBF881