This project will allow you to use Toggl to document your time specifically around type of tasks performed. Prior to heading for a meeting, start Toggl with some description and the tag MEETING and at the end of the day it will output the length of time you spent in MEETING for the day. If you had multiple meetings, it just adds the relevant times with the same tag.
The program depends on using Toggl with tags that are specific enough to organize your time. In its current revision, sub tags are not counted in any way. At some point in the future I might come up with a way of counting time based on sub tags but for now this is simply used to determine how many total hours a work day contained and how many hours you spent doing what tasks. Use main tags in ALL CAPS for this to work. In my daily usage, I will tag tasks as ADMINSTRATIVE, OPERATIONS, and MEETING followed by a more descriptive tag and a description. The descriptions are mostly for reference on the website.
My usage allows for me to run the program as a cronjob every evening and record my daily hours to a text file which I can then access at a later time.
Additionally, if I need to make a correction to a specific day I can retroactively check my time by passing the -d 2013-09-02 flag will provide a specific date entry. (All dates must be delivered in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD but time must be delivered using the flags if it is desired)
Will return the following output (as an example)
2013-09-02 Mon
From : 2013-09-02
To : 2013-09-02
8.32 : Total Duration
Additional dates can be retroactively passed into the script with the -d argument. There are a number of other flags I had originally planned to use/develop but have since discarded. This is the standard usage at this time. That is, to get a full days work.
The time can also be captured retroactively by scripting a bash for loop like this:
NUMDAYS=$(( ( $(date +%s) - $(date -d "$DATE" +%s) ) /(24 * 60 * 60 ) ))
for i in {$NUMDAYS..1}
./ -d $(date --date="$i days ago" +%Y-%m-%d)
sleep 5
done >> output.file
Finally, there is an option to input a start and end date (which still behaves strangely for some time periods. getting 400 errors)
to determine something similar to this: ./toggl -d 2013-01-01 -e 2013-01-31
where -d is start date, -e is end date. The program uses the end date as start date unless otherwise told. Outputing:
From : 2013-01-01
To : 2013-01-31
2.17 : MEETING Time
166.16 : Total Duration
For total hours worked in the month of Janurary
Feel free to contact me about this, just not about solicitations. My gmail is tyler.spilker