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blogdown 1.11

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@yihui yihui released this 10 Aug 03:27
· 87 commits to main since this release
  • blogdown::check_site() also checks index.Rmd in the website root directory now (thanks, @maelle, #719).

  • The build_rmd argument of blogdown::build_site() also accepts absolute paths under the content directory now (thanks, @maelle, #717).

  • Fixed a bug that blogdown::serve_site() fails with the ignoreErrors option is configured as an array in config.yaml (thanks, @CongLiu-CN, #714).

  • Fixed a bug for multilingual sites that have separate contentDir settings for each language, in which case blogdown::new_post() and the "New Post" addin in RStudio may create new post files in wrong locations (thanks, @pensivedog, #712).

  • Fixed an issue with the wowchemy/starter-hugo-online-course theme (thanks, @bayeslearner, #722).

  • Archetypes in modules were not found previously in the "New Post" addin (thanks, @atakanekiz, #670).

  • blogdown::install_theme() works with themes that contain git submodules now (thanks, @pensivedog, #712).

  • The global option blogdown.warn.future has been removed. It was originally introduced in blogdown 0.12 to warn against posts that have dates in the future, which can cause posts to be ignored by Hugo. This option was removed because blogdown::check_site() can identify this problem.

  • Fixed a problem with the "New Post" addin in RStudio (thanks, @pingao777, #394). It did not work for sites that are not based on Hugo (e.g., Jekyll or Hexo).