DNS client tool for evaluating the authoritative name server application of edns0 Client Subnet Extension (CSE) for security and load-balancing purposes.
Domain lists deliminated by newlines are provided within the resources directory.
Program will attempt to resolve each domain at ~1,000 req/s and report execution time statistics with output graph.
Usage: ./dns-client-subnet-ext [options] -ns {nameserver}
-c string
Client subnet address
-d string
Location of domain list file
-ns string
DNS server address (ip) (default "")
-o string
Location of output directory (default "output")
-pps int
Send up to PPS DNS queries per second (default 2000)
-retries int
Number of attempts made to resolve a domain (default 1)
-rr string
Resend unanswered query after RETRY (default "1s")
-t int
Number of concurrent workers (default 1000)
-v Verbose logging
With EDNS0 client subnet extension
./dns-client-subnet-ext -c {client subnet} -d {domain file} -ns {nameserver}
./dns-client-subnet-ext -c -d resources/majestic-domains.txt -ns
Without EDNS0 client subnet extension
./dns-client-subnet-ext -d {domain file} -ns {nameserver}
./dns-client-subnet-ext -d resources/majestic-domains.txt -ns