Event landing page developed in Welcome to the Django
- Clone this repository
- Install Python 3.5+ and create a virtualenv
- Activate the virtualenv
- Install the dependencies
- Configure .env instance
- Run the tests
git clone https://github.com/rubimpassos/eventex eventex
cd eventex
python -m venv .eventex
source .eventex/Scripts/activate.bat
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
cp contrib/env-sample .env
python manage.py test
- Create a app in Heroku
- Send the config to heroku
- Define a secure secret key in heroku config vars
- Define DEBUG=False
- Configure an email service(e.g SendGrid)
- Push to heroku
heroku create myapp
heroku config:push
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=`python contrib/secret_gen.py`
heroku config:set DEBUG=False
# configure a email service that you like
git push heroku master --force