The goal of this project is to predict if a (Spanish) twitter personality is left-wing or right-wing based on his tweets.
I have selected some relevant political profiles in Spain (ALL_twitter_accounts.csv
), labeled as 0 (rightist) and 1 (leftist), then I have downloaded the N last tweets from them.
First of all I have randomly splitted our twitter accounts in 2 groups train/test - validation (80% - 20%). The tokenizer data comes from the train/test dataset.
It's really hard to make a dataset that represents correctly the political Spanish spectrum, I would appreciate any sugestions. If you want to help with the dataset, please make a pull request with ALL_twitter_accounts.csv
- Nowadays left-wing and right-wing concepts are senseless since we have 2 variables (or maybe more) in the political spectrum, but it was the simplest way to label data.
- Another problem of data is that we have a large amount of tweets from a small quantity of accounts, this could be problematic (or not).
Using Tweepy
and Twitter's API (1_MINING/
), I have downloaded the last 300 tweets from every user:
def import_tweets(account, api, number_tweets=300):
# This function scraps the last 300 tweets from account
# and then returns all tweets excluding ReTweets
tweets = []
raw_tweets = tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline, id=account[1:], tweet_mode="extended").items(number_tweets)
for tweet in raw_tweets:
text_tweet = tweet.full_text
if not("RT @" in text_tweet): #We exculde RTs
return tweets
return 0
Resulting raw tweets were stored as a .csv in ./0_DATA/train-test_tweets.csv
and ./0_DATA/val_tweets.csv
Before I started this projet I never have listened about NLP. I decided to use Spacy
beacuse in NLTK library doesn't exist any lemmatizer in spanish. Concretely I have loaded 'es_dep_news_trf'
Using the lemmatizer 'es_dep_news_trf'
from Spacy
), I have lemmatized all tweets from ./0_DATA/train-test_tweets.csv
and stored in ./0_DATA/train-test_lemma.csv
new_tweets = df_train['Tweet'].map(lambda x: lemmatize_tweet(nlp, x))
def lemmatize_tweet(nlp, tweet):
#This function takes a tweet as a spacy.doc and returs the tweet lemmatized
#Some extra stopwords:
delete = {
'a', 'of', 'in', 'i', 'to', 'e', 'm', 'and', 'the'
new_tweet = ''
#In the next step we are going to remove stop words and lemmatize
for token in nlp(tweet):
if (token.text.isalpha() and not(token.is_stop or token.lemma_ in delete)):#We are going to remove not alphanumeric tokens and stopwords
new_tweet += ' ' + token.lemma_
#We return tweet tokenized and lemmatized as a tuple:
return new_tweet
Taking the lemmatized tweets (train-test), I have created the tokenizer (5000 words):
# Creation and fitting of the Tokenizer:
tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=5000, oov_token='<OOV>')
Also it has been lemmatized all tweets from ./0_DATA/val_tweets.csv
, and the result has been stored in ./0_DATA/val_lemma.csv
Working... The main idea now is to use ULMFIT structure:
- Build the model. A good idea could train a pre-trained model as BERT.
- Increment the dataset.
- Create the function's documentation.
- Create an embedding projector:
- Program a web interface that scraps tweets and uses the model to predict the political ideology.
- Upload the trained model to hugging face.
- Fix
to ignore
The most important files are:
: Info about all users analyzed. -
: Python file that stores API keys. -
: Makes the train-test/val split and downloads the tweets. -
: Lemmatizes all tweets and creates the tokenizer. -
This project uses the following Python libraries
: To download tweets.spaCy
: Used to tokenize words and lemmatize.es_dep_news_trf
: Spanish transformer pipeline.wordcloud
: Used to create word clouds from dictionaries.TensorFlow