- This repo is meant to store my journey in Cyber Security.
- It contains all the tools I have explored and used till date.
- Also, it contains the writeups for the CTFs I participated in.
- https://pwn.college/ : A good course for beginners in cyber security
- https://dev.to/atan/what-is-ctf-and-how-to-get-started-3f04 : Getting started with CTFs
- https://ctftime.org/ : Contains schedule for all the CTFs and their resources.
- https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/forensics/ : More tools
- https://int0x33.medium.com/day-18-essential-ctf-tools-1f9af1552214 : Some more tools
- http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/ : Contains many shell codes for faster exploitation.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmLfoR-k_l0&list=PL1H1sBF1VAKVg451vJ-rx0y_ZuQMHPamH : Solved Binary Exploitation CTF challenges By John Hammond
- https://insomnihackdotme.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/copypest.pdf : html and xss injection using Copy & Paste
- Payloads about everything : Contains many payloads for vatious types of attacks.
- xss-payloads : Contains many payloads for XSS attacks.
- More xss-payloads : Contains many payloads for XSS attacks.
- Hookbin.com : create dummy endpoints for capturing cookies
- Wireshark : For sniffing packets and network related activities.
- zmap : An open source network scanner
- nmap : An open source utility for network discovery and security auditing.
- pwndgb : A python assisted gdb extension for easier binary debugging.
- pwntools : A big tool suite covering almost every ascpect of binary exploitation.
- libformatstr : Python library for easier format string attacks
- ROPgadget : Tool to get all the ROP gadgets within an executable
- One_gadget : Ruby gem to find "execve('/bin/sh', NULL, NULL)" gadget within an executable.
- Offset finder : Online tool to find offset for buffer overflow.
- Libc Database : Online tool to find glibc version from offsets of some functions.
- ghidra : Software reverse engineering tool. Mainly for static analysis.
- exiftool : Helps in analyzsing image headers
- binwalk : Helps to check files contained in a file.
- steghide : For hiding a file inside an image
- wget : For downloading files
- ltrace : intercepts library calls and prints it.
- strace : intercepts system calls and prints it.
- file : gives information about the file.
- hexdump : dumps the executale in hex format
- objdump : gives the disassembly of the executable
- readelf : Displays information from any ELF format object file.
- nm : Lists symbols from object files.
- strings : Lists printable strings from files.
- strip : Discards symbols.
- nc : For sending various types of requests on a specific IP
- telnet : Telnet is an application protocol used on the Internet or local area network to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection.
- https://www.xarg.org/tools/caesar-cipher/ : Decode caesar-cipher online
- http://factordb.com/index.php : For factoring large numbers (useful for RSA)
- https://www.base64decode.org/ : For encoding and decoding base 64 key
- https://hookbin.com/ : create dummy endpoints for capturing cookies
- Volatility : Helps to analyze memory dump for various types of os.
- burp suite : For finding bugs on web sites.
- caronte : web requests sniffing.
- metasploit : penetration testing framework