Dataset related to the evaluation of the paper "Complete and Cross-Instance Regulatory Compliance Checking of Business Process Event Logs" by Nick van Beest, Heerko Groefsema, Adrian Cryer, Guido Governatori, Silvano Colombo Tosatto and Hannah Burke
- Example rules formatted for our event log compliance tool and explanations of their functionality
- Explanation and examples of how Update Functions are defined
- Grammars for rule specification file and log metadata file
- Compliance evaluation of event logs from the BPI challenges
- BPI2016
- Rule templates and corresponding violating traces identified by our tool
- BPI2019
- Rule templates and corresponding violating traces identified by our tool
- Comparison to winning submission, BPIC19 (DRP)
- Comparison to implementation of same rules in LogFire
- BPI2016
- Results for a scalability analysis of our tool against the size of event log and number of obligations, derived from these BPI logs and rule templates
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Heerko Groefsema - h.groefsema [at]
Nick van Beest - nick.vanbeest [at]
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