A bibliography recipe for PmWiki
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To use this plugin, it must be enabled in PmWiki's local/config.php
file. It can be enabled by including the following lines:
Below is the list of available commands. Remember to always put a line feed after each command.
(:bib field="value" field2="value" ... limit="x":)
Displays an x number of bibentries with values for the given fields, e.g., (:bib author="Doe" type="Book" year="2000":)
list books from the year 2000 by Doe.
Limit is optional.
The below commands are depricated but maintained for compatibility.
(:bibyear year:)
Displays bibentries from the year year
. For example, (:bibyear 2020:)
displays all entries from the year 2020.
(:bibyear offset:)
Displays bibentries from the current year plus offset
. For example, (:bibyear -1:)
displays all entries from last year.
(:bibtype type:)
Displays bibentries of the type type
. For example, (:bibauth book:)
displays all books.
(:bibauth author type:)
Displays bibentries by author
and the optional parameter type
. For example, (:bibauth Doe phdthesis:)
displays the PhD thesis of Doe.
(:biblast author number:)
Displays number
of bibentries by author
. For example, (:bibylast Doe 5:)
displays five entries by Doe.
Sorting is automatic by year, type (academic order), month, and finally author.