Repository link:
is a Flask-based web-app which allows users to create profiles, book and cancel tickets and print transaction info. The app also offers admin
support so that the admin may add/ remove new flights, airports, airlines etc. as per requirement. The application stores the session
data and the user may continue the session later. Accessing application endpoints like payment, bookticket(main app), profile require authorization
and the user needs to login to gain access to these endpoints. As this is a mini-development project, ticket date feature has not been implemented as it requires continuous/ regular insertion of data. The MySQL queries include usage of clauses like SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, JOIN
(for views) and the data is stored locally on the development machine. The ddl file describes the structure of the data and the insert file describes the data to be added.
- Clone the repository
- Install Flask and flask-mysql
- Navigate to the directory and set environment variable using:
$env:FLASK_APP = "flighty" (Windows)
export FLASK_APP=flighty (UNIX bash)
- Run the application using
flask run
python(3) (Dev server)
- User
Signup using necessary details and a unique username.
Login into your account
Select a source and destination and check for available flights
Book ticket for a suitable flight
- Admin
Login using username: `admin` and passoword: `admin`
Add new flights, airports, airlines and check current list of users
- JS
- Flask
- flask-mysql
- Home Page
- Login Page
- Sign Up
- Book Ticket
- Available Flights
- User Information (Profile)
- Previous Transactions/ Bookings and cancellation option
- Payment Successful
- Print Payment Info