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Permalink refactoring (#632)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* data: Factor out Word operations, WordStack, ByteArray, and Account into

data,evm-types: Move #addr from data to evm-types

* data,evm: Move M3:2048 bloomfilter from to, the only place it is used

* data,driver: Move #removeZeros from data to driver, the only place it is used

* data,serialization: Move various helpers from data to serialization

* data,evm: Move #lookup to evm, next to the opcode that uses it

* data,web3: Move JSON and JSON-RPC modules into

data,json: move JSONKEY ::= Int to JSON module

* data: Move parsing/unparsing, rlp, and merkle tree stuff to

* Update concrete-rules.txt files

* tests/interactive/sumTo10.evm.parse-expected: Change EVM-DATA to EVM-TYPES

* evm,evm-types: Move #lookup to EVM-TYPES
  • Loading branch information
gtrepta authored and ehildenb committed Dec 17, 2019
1 parent 3949e08 commit 70e3f47
Showing 12 changed files with 1,386 additions and 1,340 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
export MAIN_DEFN_FILE := driver

k_files := driver.k data.k network.k evm.k krypto.k edsl.k evm-node.k web3.k asm.k state-loader.k
k_files := driver.k data.k network.k evm.k evm-types.k json.k krypto.k edsl.k evm-node.k web3.k asm.k state-loader.k serialization.k
ALL_K_FILES := $(k_files) $(EXTRA_K_FILES)

1,244 changes: 5 additions & 1,239 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -401,6 +401,18 @@ Note that `TEST` is sorted here so that key `"network"` comes before key `"pre"`

- `#removeZeros` removes any entries in a map with zero values.

syntax Map ::= #removeZeros ( Map ) [function]
| #removeZeros ( List , Map ) [function, klabel(#removeZerosAux)]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #removeZeros( M ) => #removeZeros(Set2List(keys(M)), M)
rule #removeZeros( .List, .Map ) => .Map
rule #removeZeros( ListItem(KEY) L, KEY |-> 0 REST ) => #removeZeros(L, REST)
rule #removeZeros( ListItem(KEY) L, KEY |-> VALUE REST ) => KEY |-> VALUE #removeZeros(L, REST) requires VALUE =/=K 0

Here we check the other post-conditions associated with an EVM test.

642 changes: 642 additions & 0 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -709,6 +709,22 @@ After executing a transaction, it's necessary to have the effect of the substate
rule #bloomFilter(ListItem(WS:ByteArray) L, B) => #bloomFilter(L, B |Int M3:2048(WS))

- `M3:2048` computes the 2048-bit hash of a log entry in which exactly 3 bits are set. This is used to compute the Bloom filter of a log entry.

syntax Int ::= "M3:2048" "(" ByteArray ")" [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------
rule M3:2048(WS) => setBloomFilterBits(#parseByteStack(Keccak256(#unparseByteStack(WS))))
syntax Int ::= setBloomFilterBits(ByteArray) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------------
rule setBloomFilterBits(HASH) => (1 <<Int getBloomFilterBit(HASH, 0)) |Int (1 <<Int getBloomFilterBit(HASH, 2)) |Int (1 <<Int getBloomFilterBit(HASH, 4))
syntax Int ::= getBloomFilterBit(ByteArray, Int) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule getBloomFilterBit(X, I) => #asInteger(X [ I .. 2 ]) %Int 2048

EVM Programs

76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
### JSON Formatting

The JSON format is used extensively for communication in the Ethereum circles.
Writing a JSON-ish parser in K takes 6 lines.

module JSON
imports INT
imports STRING
imports BOOL
syntax JSONs ::= List{JSON,","} [klabel(JSONs) , symbol]
syntax JSONKey ::= String
syntax JSON ::= "null" [klabel(JSONnull) , symbol]
| String | Int | Bool
| JSONKey ":" JSON [klabel(JSONEntry) , symbol]
| "{" JSONs "}" [klabel(JSONObject) , symbol]
| "[" JSONs "]" [klabel(JSONList) , symbol]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

**TODO**: Adding `Int` to `JSONKey` is a hack to make certain parts of semantics easier.

syntax JSONKey ::= Int
// ----------------------


module JSON-RPC
imports K-IO
imports LIST
imports JSON
<web3socket> $SOCK:Int </web3socket>
<web3clientsocket> 0:IOInt </web3clientsocket>
<jsonrpc> "":JSON </jsonrpc>
<callid> 0:JSON </callid>
<method> "":JSON </method>
<params> [ .JSONs ] </params>
<batch> undef </batch>
<web3response> .List </web3response>
syntax JSON ::= "undef" [klabel(JSON-RPCundef), symbol]
// -------------------------------------------------------
syntax Bool ::= isProperJson ( JSON ) [function]
| isProperJsonList ( JSONs ) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------
rule isProperJson(_) => false [owise]
rule isProperJson(null) => true
rule isProperJson(_:Int) => true
rule isProperJson(_:Bool) => true
rule isProperJson(_:String) => true
rule isProperJson(_:JSONKey : J) => isProperJson(J)
rule isProperJson([ JS ]) => isProperJsonList(JS)
rule isProperJson({ JS }) => isProperJsonList(JS)
rule isProperJsonList(.JSONs) => true
rule isProperJsonList(J, JS) => isProperJson(J) andBool isProperJsonList(JS)

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