This repo is not for setting up vimrc, instead for starting with VIM.
Commands that I have discovered and found quite useful so far through youtube tutorials, vimtutor, awesome vim are all shared here. Commands list will soon go beyond infinity! 🚀
readme instruction format:
Command for:
# comment
- q!
save and quit:
- wq!
Move commands:
- j: down
- h: left
- k: up
- l: right
end of line:
- $
- A # start in insert mode as well
start of line:
- 0
- ^
- I # start in insert mode as well.
end of file:
- G
start of file:
- gg
set line numbers:
- :set nu
- :set rnu # line numbering relative to current cursor position.
unset line numbers:
- :set nu!
- :set rnu!
search pattern:
- :/[pattern] # then enter
- n # to iterate over next pattern matched.
- N # to iterate over previous pattern matched.
repeat previous task:
- .
macro: # execute following in same order as given.
- q[macro alphabet] # starts recording the macro, e.g.
- q # stops the current macro.
- @[macro alphabet] # to execute the macro.
- V [n]j :normal @[macro alphabet] # to execute the macro on the 'n' consecytive lines.
- x # delete a character
- dd # delete whole line
- d[n]j # delete n number of lines from current position
- di[x] # delete inside x where x can be t for , ' for inverted comma
- y # y stands for yank.
- yy # yank whole line, and similar to delete commands
- p # p stands for p whatever being copied or deleted recently.
- P # capital 'P' pastes above the current line.
- viw p # paste the txt in register on a word (by replacing it), by first
visual insert word
Increment a number:
- ctrl+A
- u
- Ctr-R
- '>>' # indent right
- '<<' # indent left
append(insert mode):
- a
- A # append from last character of current line.
- I # insert from beginning of the line.
- r[x] # where x is the new letter to substitute for current cursor character.
end of word:
- e
start of word:
- w
Delete and enter insert mode:
- c[motion] #
will delete till end of word, and enters insert mode, checkcw
Cursor-screen Movements:
- H # cursor to top(high) of the screen
- M # move cursor to middle(middle) of the screen
- L # move cursor to bottom(low) of the screen.
Screen movement, withough affecting cursor: (Shifting screen)
- zt # current line to top
- zz # current line to middle
- zb # current line to bottom.
- [n]Ctr-e # scroll at a time, without cursor movement, n times optional, e.g.
- [n]Ctr-y # scroll upward, without cursor movement.
- Ctr-[D/U] # jump half the screen
- CTR-[F/B] # jump full screen
Find next word currently cursor at:
- '#' # previous
Find next character:
- f[x] # find next first x character
- ; # find net x
- , # find last x
- mm # or m[any register]
- `m # return to where mark was set.
- 'm # return to start of line where mark was set.
Special delete/change:
- [d/c]f[x] # delete/change/replace till first x found and delete x too.
- dt[x] # delete till first x found, but not delete x!
Delete till next blank line:
- d}
Delete from previous blank line:
- d{
Check enclosing parenthesis:
- % # put cursor at starting or closing parenthesis, and then write this.
Write from last insert position:
- gi # write at x pos, do something else, press this command, to resume writing from where you left earlier!
jump sentences:
- ()
jump paragraphs:
- {}
- c[a/i]w[[/{] # changes inside word[[/{], change all word (include space next to it), changes will the word end.
virtually select all inside:
- va["/[] or vi["/[] # and then yank using y or change using c
Earlier - back to history!
- :earlier [n][m/s] # n is number, go back to point of 2minutes/seconds earlier in the file say!
- "[a]yy # 'a' is register name, yy is yank the whole line into the register
- "[a]p # to paste anywhere the stored value in register a
- Ctrl-R [a] # in insert mode, use ctrl-r to indicate putting register value!
- Ctrl-a # in insert mode.
Autocompletion words:(context-aware)
- Ctrl-p # in insert mode
- Ctrl-n # in insert mode
Autocompletion line:(context-aware)
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-l # works in insert mode only
- Ctrl-]
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-] # in insert mode, autocomplete the c-tag, instead of using Ctrl-p
- Ctrl-x # in insert mode, to enter special completion mode
- Ctrl-f # to complete the file name (current or in the directory)
- :e '<file_name>'
Vimium chrome Extension:
Select a text, select that line, yank it and search. v / [search pattern] ESC shift-0 y p[/P]