CLI tool that uses original Less.js compiler (v4.2.0) but running inside Deno compiled app.
Minimal changes were made to the compiler source code:
- added file extensions in import (required for Deno)
- fs, url and path are replaced with the same ones from Deno Std. Library 0.202.0
Unlike the original lessc
, the Node is not required.
Install Deno, pick compiler type, for CLI tool run
deno compile --allow-read --allow-write less-compiler-cli.ts
...for stdout run
deno compile --allow-read less-compiler-stdout.ts
Run the app, answer questions and get the CSS file (example for PowerShell)
PS C:\less> .\less-compiler-cli.exe
Standalone LESS compiler v1.0.0
Set source file location: test/index.less
Set outfile folder: ./
Set outfile name: out
Press any key to exit...
Stdout (created for the React development server)
Run app with a LESS file path as arg and get the plain css in stdout (example for PowerShell)
PS C:\less> .\less-compiler-stdout.exe test/index.less