List of projects owned by Facebook on Github
Please follow below steps to run this project on your machine
- Download the repository by using link
OR enter command
git clone
in terminal - Navigate to the repository
cd facebook-projects
- Make sure that your machine is up to date with latest npm; you can run
npm i npm@latest -g
to be at a safer side - Install node modules
npm i
- Run the project using command
npm start
- Browser will be automatically get opened with url
, otherwise you can enter this url in the browser
To run the unit tests
- Please follow above steps till step no. 5 (if not done before) and then execute
npm test
To run this project remotely on other device in same network
- Run the project on the machine where you have setup the project using above steps
- Re-visit the terminal from which you have launched the project
- You will see one url against "On your network"
- Now connect the other device in same network where your primary machine is connected
- Enter the url against "On your network" into the browser of newly connected device
This project is live on gh-pages, link:
Features involved
- Displays list of projects owned by Facebook on Github on sidebar navigation
- Project list is sorted depending on the number of watchers for each project
- User can click on any of the projects listed to see the details of that project
- Project details are displayed on the main screen (to the right side of the navigation bar)
- Project details involve
- Title, description and home page at header of project details section
- Created and last update dates below header
- Counts of watchers, forks and contributors, and programming language as project info
- List of project contributors (profile avatar, login name and number of contributions)
- Clicking on title of the project navigates user to the Github repository of that project
- Clicking on Homepage of the project navigates user to the Homepage of that project
- Clicking on login name of any listed contributor navigates user to the Github profile of that contributor
All the features in this project are tested on
- Mac (OS Version 10.13.2)
- Chrome (Version 67.0.3396.99)
- Safari (Version 11.0.2)
- iPhone 7
- Chrome (Version 67.0.3396.87) (both normal and landscape mode)
- Safari (Version 5.0) (both normal and landscape mode)
- Windows 10 machine
- Chrome (Version 67.0.3396.87)
- Edge (Version 25.10586.672.0)
- Development:
- ReactJs: Reusable UI components
- Redux: Run time data maintenance
- RxJs and redux-observables: To overcome synchronous behavior of redux
- ImmutableJs: Store immutable data into redux store
- React-responsive: Render dynamic UI components depending on device size
- classnames: Dynamic classNames creation
- MomentJs: To format date in desired aspect
- Unit tests:
- Mocha: Test framework
- Chai: Assertion and evaluation of actual and expected output
- Enzyme: Test React components
- Nyc: Detailed report of test execution
- Github API provides watchers_count different from actual
- milo/github-api#19 is closed as there is
but this key is not present in response of Githbu api - eg: React project actual watchers_count: 6083 and provided by API is 105166
- milo/github-api#19 is closed as there is
- Github API provides lesser number of contributors than actual
- eg: React project actual number of contributors are 1195 where API provides 448