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Hi there ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am a programmer/security researcher who is mainly interested in Linux.

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Note that only contributions on GitHub are counted here. No contributions on Codeberg and no commits with an unverified email address.

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My own projects

  • advent-of-code โ€“ Advent of Code
  • crabjail โ€“ Linux sandboxing tool
  • crablock โ€“ Yet another Linux sandboxing tool.
  • crabsecco โ€“ crabjail seccomp compiler
  • ddiceware โ€“ diceware passphrase generator.
  • fedora-extras โ€“ Additional package for Fedora, missing in the offical repositories and RPMFusion.
  • โ€“ An improved firecfg written in python.
  • firefox-config โ€“ My config for a hardened, secure, privacy friendly firefox.
  • firejailed-tor-browser โ€“ HOWTO: Firejailed Tor Browser
  • fireurl โ€“ Fixing the firejail URL open issue.
  • fjp โ€“ A handy command line program to work fast and straightforward with firejail profiles.
  • flatpak-device-mounter โ€“ Workaround for flatpaks limited device permissions.
  • getenvtrace โ€“ Simple LD_PRELOAD library to trace calls to getenv(3).
  • kyst โ€“ Keep Your Sandbox Tight! โ€“ Actually just a collection of my own tight sandbox configurations.
  • manual-for-esoteric-it-security โ€“ Manual for esoteric it security
  • smem โ€“ Show top 10 memory consuming processes.
  • SCEE-custom-overlays โ€“ A collection of custom overlays for SCEE
  • tricks โ€“ Collection of useful commands and configs.
  • zufall โ€“ Zufall, a tool to help on decisions.


  • GDriveDL โ€“ Google Drive Download Python Script with zenity GUI
  • Rust Cookbook โ€“ My rust cookbook, a list of good, useful crates (with thoughts and comments) + boilerplate snippets.
  • Secure Linux Workstation โ€“ References to harden a Linux Workstation.
  • detect-kpxc-browser โ€“ Detect KPXC-Browser PoC
  • fdns4users โ€“ Allow unprivileged users to start fdns.
  • fstracer โ€“ A filesystem-tracer.
  • hexbot โ€“ My solution for:
  • language-race โ€“ Comparison of the speed of different programming languages.
  • raudit โ€“ A configurable audit program for firejail-sandboxes with metrics.
  • NewsBear โ€“ Ein Skript, das auf Eilmeldungen รผberwacht und den Benutzer mittels nativer Benachrichtigungen benachrichtigt, wenn es eine neu Eilmeldung gibt.
  • firejail-profile-builder โ€“
  • ffx โ€“ Install all firefox release channels and use firejail to sandbox them.
  • ns-utils โ€“ Simple Linux namespaces debugging util
  • uhb2dnsmasq โ€“ Download the Ultimative.Hosts.Blacklist and convert it into a dnsmasq configuration.

Projects I frequently contribute to

  • Flatseal โ€“ Manage Flatpak permissions
  • arkenfox user.js โ€“ Firefox privacy, security and anti-fingerprinting: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
  • bubblejail โ€“ Bubblewrap based sandboxing for desktop applications
  • firejail โ€“ Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
  • libseccomp-rs โ€“ Native Rust crate for libseccomp library

Notable gists

  • seccomp-bpf based MDWE bypass โ€“ Bypass seccomp-bpf based memory-deny-write-execute with READ_IMPLIES_EXEC.
  • โ€“ ClearURLs to ยตBlock origin converter
  • โ€“ Proposal to easily show the maintenance status of a project.
  • โ€“ LD_PRELOAD library to change the default optimization level of libseccomp to build btree optimized filters.
  • โ€“ LD_PRELOAD library to export the seccomp-bpf filter when it is loaded.
  • xdg-open.c โ€“ A xdg-open drop-in wrapper to make xdg-open work nicely with firejail.

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Pinned Loading

  1. libseccomp-rs/libseccomp-rs libseccomp-rs/libseccomp-rs Public

    Rust Language Bindings for the libseccomp Library

    Rust 33 13

  2. netblue30/firejail netblue30/firejail Public

    Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox

    C 5.9k 575

  3. fedora-extras fedora-extras Public

    Additional package for Fedora, missing in the offical repositories and RPMFusion.

    Shell 5 4

  4. tricks tricks Public

    Collection of useful commands and configs.

    HTML 8

  5. SCEE-custom-overlays SCEE-custom-overlays Public

    A collection of custom overlays for SCEE
