This application explores available freelance jobs.
- It should allow freelancers to explore job opportunities.
- The design should accommodate the addition of more job providers in the future
- The application should maintain simplicity in its functionality.
- Application data should be stored in a plain JSON file.
VRT Freelance Jobs Explorer is an The application is designed to help freelancers find job opportunities from various job offer providers that have been configured in the application. It provides a user-friendly interface to browse job offers in a unified way.
- Job Exploration: Browse through a wide range of jobs listed by the configured jobs providers in various categories. (eg. Useme).
- Advanced Filtering: Filter cached job by all available text values.
- Hiding Unwanted Items: Hide jobs that you're not interested in.
- Open Command Line
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd VRT.FreelanceJobsExplorer
- Execute command
dotnet publish -c Release
- Copy all files from subfolder
to the installation folder.
In order to configure job offers provider:
- Open the configuration file
from the installation directory in a text editor (eg.notepad++
), - Set Job Providers and Categories you want to explore. Example:
{ "Useme": { "BaseUri": "", "Categories": [ "programowanie-i-it,35", "prace-biurowe,40/bazy-danych,130" ] } }
- Save and close the file
Go to the installation directory and execute FreelanceJobs.exe
Check available features in the next section of this document.
Use this option to receive all new job offers from configured providers
Use this option to update cached Job offers with current data from configured providers
Toggle Visible/Hidden jobs
Use this option to toggle between visible and hidden job offers
Save the changed visibility of job offers.
You should use this option after you toggle visibility of any job offer on the list.
It will store your changes in the cache.
You can filter jobs using a filter textbox.
Insert the phrases that interest you, separated by spaces.
.net scrapper
will filter all jobs containing both .net
and scrapper
text in any field
String comparison is case insensitive.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.