This application converts text to speech with the help of voices installed in the Windows operating system.
You will need to build the project to create an executable file. In the project directory, run this command at the command line:
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained false
or if you prefere less number of dll-s, then you can use the following command:
dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained false -r win-x64
Copy items from publish directory and place it in the directory of your desire. Double-click the exe file to execute the application.
- Windows 10 (it should also work well on Windows 7 and 11 - not tested)
- .NET Runtime 6.0.2 (
- Converts text in text box to speech. Then sends it to the default audio output device,
- Saving of speech to an audio file.
- Save current state (Text and Progress) when application closes and restore it after application starts
- Save current user configuration