Desktop browser performance framework prototype
Create a python virtualenv:
virtualenv .raptor-venv
source .raptor-venv/bin/activate
Then run setup:
python develop
To run the prototype in it's current form:
git clone
To get the 'heros' test page (this page has multiple hero timing elements). Then locally in the root dir of that cloned repo:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081
To share out the test page on localhost.
Then to run the test on Firefox, use this command line (but use your own binary location):
raptor -t raptor-firefox-tp7 -b "/Users/rwood/mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin17.4.0/dist/"
To run the test on Google Chrome, use this command line (but use your own binary location):
raptor -t raptor-chrome-tp7 --app chrome -b "/Applications/Google Chrome"
Note: Currently the prototype doesn't shutdown Google Chrome automatically; so once you see the control server has received the results, just manually close Chrome at that point.