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Run Tests Documenter


This code has been produced during while writing my Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) thesis at the institut of automatic control, RWTH Aachen University. If you find it helpful for your research please cite this:

T. Redick, „Bayesian inference for CAD-based pose estimation on depth images for robotic manipulation“, RWTH Aachen University, 2024. doi: 10.18154/RWTH-2024-04533.


Port of scigl_render to julia.

The primary goal is to enable efficient rendering of multiple scenes and transferring the images to a compute device (CPU or CUDA) for Scientific calculations.

Design decisions

I try to incorporate existing Julia packages wherever possible. The next section contains a list and use cases of the packages.

Package Dependencies

  • CoordinateTransformations: Representing and chaining transformations like rotations, translations, and perspective transformations. Rotations are handled by the equally named package.
  • GLAbstractions: Takes some of the low-level OpenGL pain away. Manages the context, compiles shaders, and handles the buffers.
  • ModernGL: Used by GLAbstractions to interface with the OpenGL driver.
  • GLFW: OpenGL context handling.
  • MeshIO: Load mesh files like .obj, .ply, and .stl. It uses the FileIO interface, so this package is also included.


For convenience commonly used symbols are reexported:

  • ColorTypes: AbstractRGBA, RGB, RGBA, Gray, red, blue, green, alpha
  • CoordinateTransformations: Translation
  • GLAbstraction
  • GLFW
  • Rotations: all symbols

HPC on Headless Server with VirtualGL

Install TurboVNC on the server which will be used to instantiate a render context without an attached display. There are also good instructions on the GLVisualize github.

Use the following script to launch julia with TurboVNC and NVIDIA as OpenGL vendor:

DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
# VSCode reads the ouputs of julia -e using Pkg; println.(Pkg.depots())
/opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncserver :6

Make the file executable via chmod +x

Moreover, you can trick vscode that this file is the julia executable via the setting: "julia.executablePath": "/path/to/julia/bin/"

Tipp: If you get an unknown CUDA Error (999) during OpenGL interop, you probably render to the integrated device instead of the NVIDIA

OpenGL.jl devcontainer

Recommended: Install the vscode Remote - Containers plugin and load the devcontainer. Alternatively install julia locally, activate and instantia the SciGL.jl environment.

Docker + GPU

On Ubuntu 20.04 and other recent Linux distros, NVIDIA allows for on-demand switching between dedicated and integrated graphics. This allows to save electricity by only using the dedicated GPU when required. A choice of Intel or NVIDIA GPUs can be made by (un)commenting the specific lines of the runArgs and containerEnv in devcontainer.json. Alternatively, you could run julia with the environment variables set:

# Integrated graphics
__GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=mesa julia script.jl

You can verify whether the NVIDIA GPU is used in a Julia program by the following command on the host:

nvidia-smi | grep julia

Docker + GUI in Windows

Install Docker with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) backend. Unfortunately GPU support for WSL2 is only available for Windows Insiders. Thus, you will need to install an x-server, for example VcXsrv.

  • Make sure that VcXsrv can communicate through the firewall.
  • Uncheck "native opengl"
  • Check "Disable Access Control"

Moreover, you will have to modify [.devcontainer/devcontainer.json] since GPU passthrough is not possible:

"runArgs": [
  // Graphics devices only work on native Linux host, comment on Windows
  // Intel
  // "--device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri",
  // Comment if nvidia-docker is unavailable
  // "--gpus=all",
  // Write to X11 server of host
  // "--volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw",
"containerEnv": {
  // Native Linux host
  // "DISPLAY": "${localEnv:DISPLAY}",
  // Windows host
  "DISPLAY": "host.docker.internal:0.0",

  "QT_X11_NO_MITSHM": "1",
  // If NVIDIA Prime Profile On-Demand is active, uncomment both to use NVIDIA GPU
  // Integrated graphics are used otherwise
  "__GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME": "nvidia",

Debug in vscode

Later versions of the Julia extension seem to have fixed the issue.

The vscode julia debugger crashes when loading the native OpenGL functions. Enabling the Compiled Mode as described here seems to be a workaround.


Based on Jupyter, IJupyter can be used for explorative coding. To use IJupyter, you have two choices:

  • Create a .ipynb file and open it in vscode. The Jupyter extension will automatically launch the Jupyter server.
  • Launch jupyter lab --allow-root from an integrated terminal. Hold Alt + Click the link to open the notebook.