- A web application where where user (admins) can create blog using MDX (rich markdown format) with custom components.
- Supports Oauth2 authentication using Github and Google providers (Auth.js)
- Applied different rendering strategies with client and server components composition like SSR,SSG,ISR.
- Improved performance and security using Nextjs’s Server Actions to offload intensive and sensitive operations to server .
- Integrated services like Github repository as storage for storing mdx files,Cloudinary for images etc.
- Implemented a live MDX Editor with custom components supporting re-rendering of mdx (on error) on the fly using React error boundaries
- Redis cache for storing blur(image optimization on server using plaiceholder) and executing jobs (mailing,logs) with cron jobs.
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev