This module provides two resource types for interacting with OS X configuration profiles.
The profile_manager resource type is the back-end type that interacts with /usr/bin/profiles for creating, destroying and verifying a resource type. The mac_profiles_handler::manage resource type is user-facing and handles the management of the actual files.
A basic fact is also provided to list installed profiles.
mac_profiles_handler::manage { 'com.puppetlabs.myprofile': ensure => present, file_source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/com.puppetlabs.myprofile.mobileconfig', }
You can use an ERB template instead of a mobileconfig:
mac_profiles_handler::manage { 'com.puppetlabs.myprofile': ensure => present, file_source => template('mymodule/com.puppetlabs.myprofile.erb'), type => 'template', }
You must pass the profilers identifier as your namevar, ensure accepts present or absent and file_source behaves the same way source behaves for file.
Improve provider parsing.
Handle more types of configuration profiles.
The fact should create a fact for each profile, bonus points for using system_profiler.
Improve documentation when author isn't presenting the next morning.
Please do!
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