A PHP twitter bot that posts currently happening events for institutions using the CollegiateLink framework.
Originally built for Brock University, I decided to refactor and rebuild this bot for Ryerson, and any other universities using CollegiateLink software by CampusLabs.
- Clone this repository
- Change the '/includes/sample_api_keys.php' file to 'api_keys.php' and add in your required variables
$twitter_consumer_key = "1234567890";
$twitter_consumer_secret = "123456790";
$twitter_oauth_token = "12345-12345";
$twitter_oauth_secret = "1234567890";
$file_access_key = "SuperSecretKey";
The twitter variables can be obtained by creating a new app on apps.twitter.com, and the file_access_key variable is whatever you want to set it to.
- Change the '/includes/sample_config.php' file to 'config.php' and add in your required variables
// Twitter Event Bot
// Author: Ryder Damen
// Use this file to configure the bot to your particular school.
// Global Variables //
// The URL for the RSS event feed of your collegiatelink web portal
$feedURL = "https://connectru.ryerson.ca/events/events.rss";
// The email to notify if a tweet is posted, and the message to send
$notifyEmail = "";
$tweetNotificationMessage = "CollegiateLink Event Bot: A tweet has been posted.";
// The PHP timezone ID for your school (ex: America/Toronto)
$timeZoneSet = "America/Toronto";
// Daily Summary Page Variables //
// Enables a daily summary page to be generated as an index in the today folder
$enableDailySummaryPage = true;
// The name of your school, for display on the daily summary folder
$schoolName = "Ryerson";
// The name and URL to link to for "click for more information about events"
$collegiateLinkSiteName = "ConnectRU";
$schoolURL = "https://connectRU.ryerson.ca";
// Daily Summary Tweet Variables //
// Enable the daily summary tweet (true / false)
$enableDailySummaryTweet = true;
// Which hour of the day (24 hours) do you want this to post at?
$dailySummaryHour = "17";
// The daily message posted when there are 2+ events; ### is replaced by the count of events
$dailySummaryMultipleEventsMessage = "Hey Ryerson, there are ### events happening today. Check them out here:";
// The daily message posted when there is only one event
$dailySummaryOneEventMessage = "Hey Ryerson, there is one event happening today. Check it out here:";
// The daily message posted when there are no events // leave blank to disable
$dailySummaryNoEventsMessage = "Hey Ryerson, unfortunately there are no events scheduled for today. Check back soon.";
// The URL to include with the daily summary tweet
$dailySummaryUrl = "http://ryda.ca/ryerson-events/today"
- Schedule the cron.php file with a cron job, each hour.
Special thanks to walkswithme.net for providing the twitter oAuth wrapper. Definitely couldn't have coded that myself.