ffeedd (Fun feed D) is a RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 generator. The RSS and Atom output from the example program has been validated by the w3.org feed validator and passed the validations.
Create a Feed
class, fill in your data, add your FeedItem
s to Feed.items
and run Feed.createAtomFeed()
or Feed.createRSSFeed()
, these functions will return a string with the generated feed.
Here's a snippet from the example program
import ffeedd.feed;
import ffeedd.item;
import ffeedd.author;
import std.datetime;
// Feed name, link to the page, description of the feed
auto f = new Feed("ryhn.link", "https://ryhn.link/blog", "My very cool blog");
f.published = Clock.currTime().to!DateTime();
f.updated = Clock.currTime().to!DateTime() + 1.hours;
foreach (i; 0 .. 6)
auto item = new FeedItem("Blog post " ~ i.to!string(),
"https://ryhn.link/blog/" ~ i.to!string(),
"This is the " ~ i.to!string() ~ " post");
item.published = Clock.currTime().to!DateTime();
item.updated = Clock.currTime().to!DateTime() + (i+2).hours;
item.authors ~= Author("Writer " ~ i.to!string(), "writer" ~ i.to!string()~ "@ryhn.link");
f.items ~= item;