The server is written in Python using Flask framework and run on uWSGI server.
- Create forder for the server
$ mkdir hpca_iot
$ cd hpca_iot
- Clone the project
$ git clone
$ cd thso.server
- Run preinstallation script which will create virtual envoronment, install all necessary C libs and python dependencies, and export environment variables.
$ sudo ./
Now the server is installed and ready for configuration.
There are 3 types of configuration: environment, application and server. The environment can be production, development and testing. The server can run completely differently for each environment depending on your confuguration respectievely. The default environment is 'production'. ('production' environment requires for https and certificate precence for secure session management. If don't have, change to development environemt, which does not use encryption for session data).
$ export FLASK_ENV=production
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ export FLASK_ENV=test
The application configuration is basically describes database connection and other parameters as secure cookies or debug mode. On the other hand you have server (uWSGI) configuration which is located in app/server.ini. In this file you can define concurrency parameters as how many processes and threads will be used by the server or on which port it will be listening. For more information refer to this link.
Ideally, the server will be configured as a deamon including iotserver.service file into /etc/systemd/system folder and enabling it.
thso.server $ sudo systemctl enable iotserver.service
thso.server $ sudo systemctl start iotserver.service
Alternatively, the server can be launched as a regular application executing next commands
thso.server/app $ source ../env/bin/activate
thso.server/app $ uwsgi server.ini