Terraform module for cloning the current aws AMI every EC2 machine is built on top of that ami, so every machine has the same base image
This project is internal open source and currently maintained by the INF.
The following requirements are needed by this module:
- terraform (>= 0.12)
The following providers are used by this module:
- aws
The following input variables are required:
Description: the environment this ami is copied to (e.g. 'testing')
Type: string
Description: the ami name to copy, special characters like '*' are allowed
Type: string
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: common tags to add to the ressources
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
The following outputs are exported:
Description: the ami id, from the ami which is created within the account and the current region
To copy the generic Amazon Linux
module "amazon_linux" {
name = "amzn2-ami-hvm-*-x86_64-gp2"
tags = local.common_tags
environment = var.environment
source = "github.com/ryte/INF-tf-amicopy.git?ref=v0.2.1"
or the ecs optimized version
module "ecs_optimized" {
name = "amzn-ami-*.f-amazon-ecs-optimized"
tags = local.common_tags
environment = var.environment
source = "github.com/ryte/INF-tf-amicopy.git?ref=v0.2.1"
- 0.2.1 - Add variable
instead of reading from tags - 0.2.0 - Upgrade to terraform 0.12.x
- 0.1.0 - Initial release.
This software is released under the MIT License (see LICENSE