Eeasy OPC is a .NET wrapper over the OPC Foundation UA .NET library and can be used for OPC Server tags/singals retrieval,monitoring and updating in real time.
- A 2048 bits key size valid certificate, for the "CurrentUser" store.
- Opc.Ua.Client.dll from the OPC Foundation UA .NET Library
- Opc.Ua.Core.dll from the OPC Foundation UA .NET Library
- Create an instance of MonitoringManager class:
IMonitoringManager manager = new MonitoringManager();
- Initialize the instance with data about he monitored OPC server:
IResult result = manager.Init(ipAddress,iPort,OPCServerInstanceName,CertificateName);
or you can use the Settings class :
ISettings settings = new Settings(ipAddress,iPort,OPCServerInstanceName,CertificateName);
- Retrieve the tags from the OPC Server:
List<Tag> tags = manager.AvailableTags;
- Subscribe to tags changes :
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Tag {0} has a new value of {1} ",changedTag.DisplayName,changedTag.Value.ToString()));
- Start the OPC server monitoring process.
IResult result = manager.StartMonitoring();
throw result.Exception;
The above code monitors all the available tags for changes.
To monitor just for a certain tag or tags changes you can use the StartMonitoring()
method overload:
List<Tag> selectedTags = manager.AvailableTags.Where(tag=> ... some condition here ..);
- To retrieve the monitored tags (the tags passed to the
method) can be used the MonitoredTags property :
var monitoredTags = manager.MonitoredTags;
- Force a tag refresh. The value and the quelity of the tag will be reloaded from the OPC Server and will update the given tag.
- Write a tag value, for a writable tag.
- Stop the monitoring process