This script will scan through COWIN database using pre-published COWIN APIs. It would send a telegram message to your specified chat id for available slots.
- curl
- jq
./vaccinemilegikiya <State Name> <District Name> <Telegram Chat ID>
To find your telegram chat id, send message /getid
to telegram bot @myidbot
It create a file called info
on its first run and save your state and district code to it.
It will save time for next run if you are running this script on a loop.
If you want to find information of different state/district, please delete that file
and run program again.
This is very crudely written script for personal use, so do not expect much. If you want some new feature to implement, implement it and send a pull request. If you encounter any sort of bug, file a bug report. For other query and information, contact me via issues.