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Releases: s3rvac/weechat-notify-send


10 Sep 08:42
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  • notify-send is now called with --category im.received (#27).
  • Dropped official support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 as they are EOL.


15 Mar 14:57
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  • Added a new option: notify_on_all_messages_in_current_buffer. When set to on, you will receive a notification on all messages in the currently active buffer (#22).
  • Added a new option: hide_messages_in_buffers_that_match. It is a comma-separated list of regex patterns for names of buffers from which you want to receive notifications without messages (#19).
  • Added a new option: desktop_entry. It contains the name of the desktop entry for WeeChat. This enables notify-send to focus WeeChat upon clicking on a notification (#14).
  • Changed the default value of the ignore_nicks option from '' to '-,--,-->'. This will prevent notifications for messages from nicks -, --, and -->, which is usually just noise (#23).
  • Dropped support for Python 3.4 (it is EOL). When using Python 3, at least Python 3.5 is required.


07 Oct 09:41
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  • Added a new option: notify_on_all_messages_in_buffers_that_match. It is a comma-separated list of regex patterns of buffers for which you want to receive notifications on all messages that appear in them.
  • Added a new option: notify_on_messages_that_match. It is a comma-separated list of regex patterns for which you want to receive notifications for any message whose body matches the given regular expression. Contributed by @bbugyi200 in #12.
  • Added a new default tag into ignore_messages_tagged_with: notify_none (see #10).
  • Print an error message when notify-send fails. From a user's viewpoint, this is better than showing the complete backtrace (see #11).
  • Replaced the word plugin with script in README and source files as technically, weechat-notify-send is a script, not a plugin (see #8).
  • Dropped support for Python 3.3 (it is EOL). When using Python 3, require at least Python 3.4.


27 Nov 09:19
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  • Notifications are transient by default. That is, when a notification expires
    or is dismissed, it is removed from the notification bar. To disable this
    behavior, set the plugins.var.python.notify_send.transient configuration
    option to off.
  • When checking for a buffer-name match, consider >channel and #channel to
    be equal. The reason is that the
    wee_slack plugin replaces # with
    > to indicate that someone in the buffer is typing. This fixes the behavior
    of several configuration options (e.g. notify_on_all_messages_in_buffers)
    when weechat_notify_send is
    used together with wee_slack.
  • Do not show notifications for some messages that were ignored in previous
    versions of the plugin. More specifically, do not show notifications for
    messages tagged with irc_part, irc_status, irc_nick_back, irc_401,
    and irc_402.
  • Made notifications for ordinary messages look like highlight notifications
    when the buffer is in notify_on_all_messages_in_buffers. Previously, such
    notifications looked like private-message notifications, which was
  • Do not show notifications for messages without a nick. A nick is required to
    form a correct notification source and message.
  • Fixed displaying of notifications without a source. Previously, notify-send
    failed with the following error message: No summary specified.
  • Fixed shortening of messages containing non-ASCII characters. Previously, it
    might have happen that a message was split inside of a multibyte character.
    This created an invalid message and caused notify-send to fail.


27 Sep 17:44
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  • All messages are now intercepted, not only those tagged with irc_privmsg.
    This should make the plugin working also for networks other than IRC (e.g.
    Matrix #3).
  • Added a new option: ignore_messages_tagged_with: A comma-separated list of
    message tags for which no notifications should be shown. Default:
  • Added a new option: notify_on_all_messages_in_buffers. It is a
    comma-separated list of buffers for which you want to receive notifications
    on all messages that appear in them. You can use either short names
    (#buffer) or full names (network.#buffer). This list is empty by default.
  • Do not notify on filtered (hidden) messages by default.
  • Added a new option: notify_on_filtered_messages. By turning it on, you
    can instruct the plugin to send notifications also for filtered (hidden)
  • Improved the detection of nicks from the information passed by WeeChat.
    Originally, the nick was obtained only from the prefix. However, the prefix
    is not always the nick. Now, the nick is first tried to be obtained from a
    tag of the form nick_XYZ, where XYZ is the nick that sent the message. If
    this fails, the nick is obtained from the prefix (fallback).
  • Improved the removal of modes from messages prefixes. Originally, only @
    (op on IRC) and + (voice on IRC) were removed. Now, any character from the
    following list is removed from the beginning of the prefix: ~&@%+-. The
    meaning depends on the used protocol.
  • Improved the detection whether a notification should be shown based on the
    authorship of the message (do not show notifications for messages from self).
  • Fixed sending of notifications whose source or message starts with --.


27 May 12:50
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  • Added a new option: ignore_buffers. It is a comma-separated list of buffers from which no notifications should be shown.
  • Added a new option: ignore_buffers_starting_with. It is a comma-separated list of buffer prefixes from which no notifications should be shown.
  • Show default values of options in their descriptions (e.g. when viewed via


23 Apr 14:45
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  • Added a new option: min_notification_delay. It represents a minimal delay
    between successive notifications from the same buffer. It is used to protect
    from floods/spam. The default value is 500 milliseconds. Set it to 0 to
    disable this feature (i.e. all notifications will be shown).
  • Added a new option: notify_on_highlights. It allows you to disable
    notifications on highlights. By default, notifications on highlights are
  • Added a new option: notify_on_privmsgs. It allows you to disable
    notifications on private messages. By default, notifications on private
    messages are enabled.


22 Dec 07:25
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  • Fixed occasional messing of the WeeChat screen when assertion messages are
    emitted by notify-send.


02 Oct 18:01
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  • Fixed interpretation of messages containing backslashes by escaping


29 Jul 14:09
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  • Fixed the obtaining of a nick from WeeChat. Previously, the nick might have
    been prefixed with a mode, e.g @ when the user was an op. Modes are now
    removed and not shown in the notifications.