It is an android java application project that uses SQlite database to store data. This app was given as a practice project at the end of Udacity Course - Android Basics: Data Storage.
The app has two activity:
- First one shows a list of inventory. Each Item has a sale button which reduces its quantity by one.
- Second one is a details activity which shows more details about the selected product and allow the user to edit its details. Each inventory item contains:
- Image of the inventory
- Product name
- Price
- Quantity
- Description
- Supplier Phone Number
- Supplier Email
User can contact supplier by clicking on a floating action button at the bottom right corner with a phone icon by using the supplier contact details.
- Android Content Provider to do CRUD operation with the database.
- Loaders to query the db and load data.
- Cursor Adapter to show a list of item in a list view by reading it from the cursor.
It doesn't use any third party library.