It is a advanced password generator that can use Java or C++ for generating strong passwords.🙂
This project is used by the following individual:
Saif Islam
Shahriar Siddique
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Generates a random password of a specified length using a given character set
Assigns a score to the password based on various criteria
Continues to generate new passwords until it finds one with a sufficiently high score
Allows the user to specify the length and character set of the generated password at runtime
Generates a random password of specified length
Option to include special characters in the password
Option to include digits in the password
Specify the number of special characters and digits to include in the password
Uses the SecureRandom class to generate a secure, random password
Returns the generated password as a string
Run the following command on PowerShell:
1. Ensure that you have a C++ compiler installed on your system
2. Save the script to a file with a .cpp extension, such as password_generator.cpp
3. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the script
4. Compile the script using the C++ compiler. For example, if you are using the GNU C++ compiler, you can use the following command:
g++ password_generator.cpp -o password_generator
5. This will create an executable file called password_generator.
6. Run the executable file by typing ./password_generator and pressing Enter.
7. Enter the desired values and press Enter.
8. The program will then generate and print a password.💥💥
1. Import the java.util.Scanner,, and java.util.Arrays classes.
2. Create an instance of the PasswordGenerator class.
3. Call the generatePassword method on the PasswordGenerator instance, passing in the desired parameters for the password.
4. The generatePassword method will return a string that represents the generated password. You can store this string in a variable or use it as needed.
PasswordGenerator generator = new PasswordGenerator();
String password = generator.generatePassword(10, true, true, 2, 2);
System.out.println("Generated password: " + password);