Simple Web-based Appointment management calendar. This is a good resource/project for learning php Namespace, psr-4 Autoloader, Design patterns, HTML5 local storage, AJAX on raw JS, RESTful API by developing own simple MVC framework.
The high level features are as follows:
- View a table of the current appointments for next 30 days.
- Add an appointment using a name and email address. Disallow adding appointments on days that already have one.
- Work in offline mode and sync while get internet connection.
<Project root>/src/config/config.ini
on any editor and put database information. -
To initialize project, open terminal , then cd to project root: now run :
php install.php
Installed successfully
message will be appeared.
- Application server is Created as a service using RESTful API, so that it becomes easy to create other clients for the same application.
- Developed a simple MVC with raw PHP.
- Technology covered :
MVC, OOP, Namespace, psr-4 Autoloader, HTML5 local storage, AJAX, RESTful API
- Remind an appointee using email.
- make calendar filter for particular date range.
- make syncing more robust and bug free.
- make more smooth AJAX handing.
Any good patches are always appreciated.